by on April 14, 2022
Where to start…
I wrote a long-ass post a few days ago about finally actually feeling the “call” to smoke DMT. Let’s call it the prequel to this trip report. If you’re curious, go to my page and read that because I’m not about to write it all again.  TLDR: I’ve smoked DMT 3 or 4 times before, gradually building up to today. Only 2 of them of significance.
I would almost call them a part of the same experience. The first time I smoked it, not long after buying it, I took two big hits and held them but could NOT bring the machine back up to my lips to take the last hit that was in the chamber. I thought at the time that I had chickened out, but I now believe that I was stopped by “them.” And for the purpose of this report, when I say they or them, I’m referring to what I now know to be my guides. I have made a lot of changes in my life since then. Microdosed deems a lot since then as well. 
We will call this next part my second experience, because microdosing is child’s play compared to actual doses. That time, I had my wife with me. I asked her to make sure I didn’t drop the pipe. She is not experienced at all with anything related to these things. In fact she didn’t know what I was doing really, just that I told her it would hopefully help me with fixing myself. I had been fucking up lots of things in my life at this point, and had recently come to accept that it was because of multiple head traumas that I had incurred as a child. Once a year basically until I was 12, I would need stitches or staples in the head. Anyways, I call this my first success with deems, because I actually took in all of the DMT that I loaded into my Sherlock Vapor Genie. It felt like my world started vibrating really fast, and when I opened my eyes, everything, even my wife looked unfamiliar. It ended quickly, but I was pretty shaken up, and was not ready for another go. 
Tonight, everything lined up for me to take the leap. Everyone in the house fell asleep by around 10, and I knew it was time. I had to hunt for the smell-proof bag that my vapor genie came in, because…well I won’t get into that here. Ended up being exactly where I was sure that it was, but it still took me a good 5 minutes to find it somehow.  I stuffed this chair through the bathroom door and tried to prepare myself mentally, although I know that’s not possible.
My guides told me, “Stop worrying so much. Think about it as if you’ve just sat down into the most intense roller coaster seat of your life, except you have in your hands the button that launches you.” That did it. I took my sandals off and placed my feet firmly on the ground. Loaded it up with about enough to cover my pinky, lit the thing, drawing in lightly because I didn’t wanna burn anything. I covered the hole to keep everything in, while I emptied my lungs in preparation, and then lit it again taking a heavy deep breath. I still don’t know if I got it all, because I knew I didn’t need anymore. I needed to get the pipe put down, before I was unable to do so, and quickly.
The vibrations began, and I almost closed my eyes and gave in to the trip, but I wanted to stay here and see what they had to show me in this reality. Eyes open, staring at my bathroom ceiling, the clock and doors warped. Everything became cartoonish and began pulsing in a cycle closer to me and then shrinking past normal size away from me, but each item at its own rate/frequency. I’m not sure if they were changing colors or if they were just saturating with more intensity. My body was shaking as if I were being electrocuted or something. Mostly my arms, torso, and brain. I thought it may be seretonin syndrome, but that didnt seem to be the case. I sort of made sure that i didn't go too deep. I wanted this voice uncovered. I wanted to somehow direct it that way with intention and action. I think keeping my eyes open kept me from going to deep, i could have held it in longer too, but was so entranced by the feeling and open eyed visuals and the slight bubbling film that was in my mouth, that when this voice that i was looking for came out, i just released the vapour and started taking deep breaths to calm myself and listen. I also had one wireless headphone in with the release meditation music playing. So every 5 minutes, the word release is repeated a couple times softly in my ear. That helped anchor me and calm me down.  They say when you breakthrough. You know. I didnt see the chrisathemum or whatever. I didnt leave my body. I held onto my body, not because i was scared, but because I wanted to stay tethered and have my questions answered here. I wanted to remember everything.
The part that I think was worth the most to me was a short conversation I had with my guides that was more clear than usual.  My guides, which I suppose have always been with me, haven’t been able to communicate with me very well for whatever reason until the last 4 or 5 years. It has slowly gotten “louder” and more direct. It used to be that they would communicate only through inanimate objects, and not like talking to me. When I first noticed it, it was more like, I would have a thought while outside doing yard work, and at the moment of the thought, a cool breeze would blow up my shirt and across my back cooling me off and the understanding would be that whatever that thought was, is on the right path. Or another similar situation for example with extremely improbable number sequences on license plates right after I have a certain thought. Lately though, it has become words, if I listen closely. Words of encouragement. If you’ve ever seen Transformers, with the alien robots, my guides started using my thoughts as if they were Bumblebee and my thoughts were a radio dial for them to direct it to certain words to communicate specific things to me.  During this trip, it was all them.
Going in, I set the intention: what do I do? Tell me where you need me. Where can I do the most good and do my part in saving this planet that is seemingly doomed? As soon as I got past the intensity of the trip coming on, they told me, “You are exactly where you need to be, doing exactly as you need to be doing. Although, it really doesn’t matter…Well you know…it matters as much as anything else matters…but none of this REALLY matters…” and then a feeling came over me and showed me that they were referring to the illusion of this reality and how I came here, just as many others have, to help humanity wake up and step into the next paradigm. They told me to keep doing what I’m doing, and they were referring to the sludge that I’ve been taking and just began selling. 
Mostly everything after this is my experience with the sludge, so if you dont care about that, the trip report is over really.
Nothing too special for readers.  Just a fundamental change in my perspective and a reassurance that I'm on the right path.
I have been hesitant to come out and start “advertising,” because I was sort of against selling anything. I wanted my friends to benefit from these supplements that I started taking almost a year ago now, but I didn’t expect so many people to become interested. My friends had the idea to sort of bulk buy and split the costs, and I evolved that into, “Well I’m already buying, measuring, and mixing it for myself...I plan to take it every night for the rest of my life anyways....I’ll just buy larger quantities and mix it for everyone and you guys can afford it that way, because since I’m buying so much it will be cheaper per dose. Just pay me the same price i pay per weight, and like $15 for my time mixing it and pay your own shipping.” Well, only one of them have bought any, but about 10 other people have! Lol
It’s funny really. I started taking these supplements, because my brain wasn’t functioning properly. I checked the dates, and I started these supplements just days before that second DMT experience. 16 supplements mixed together in what I’m calling Neutrino Mind Sludge. It tastes disgusting, but it has made such a huge difference in my life. I mix it with about a cup of orange juice, and it’s bearable. I cannot take credit for the recipe, although I’ve changed it a little and improved it. I suppose I shouldn’t say here where the credit goes however, because it’s a patented recipe. That asshole charges $80 for 2 weeks worth of doses though, and I sell a month for $45. Fuck him. I'll give you the recipe so you can make it yourself, but I am accepting orders from whoever wants me to measure and mix it.
The thing I noticed initially was my sleep quality. The first night I drank it, I had the best sleep I have ever had in my life. I firmly believe i had never had a good nights sleep before this, and lacl of sleep from dealing with baby was getting to the point that my wife was unable to wake me to make the baby a bottle. I would say things to her in my sleep, sometimes mean things apparently and then go back to sleep and not remember a thing. When I drink the sludge though, I jump up out of bed and go to the bottle, without any grogginess or even a complaint in my head. 
The next big thing was my ability to finally regulate my emotions in times of stress. I no longer fall into the same games and traps set by immature people around me. I don’t react to being poked. I don’t play those games anymore, because they don’t affect me the same. I still feel the verbal poking and it’s unpleasant, but I am easily able to let it go and just walk away. The angry responses still pop into my head, but I just think them to myself and then release it into the ether. And it feels GREAT! I feel like I am the winner in these situations. I am the peaceful protester and the other party can be seen for what they are: an instigator instead of a victim getting yelled at by mean old Luke.
My memory is excellent now, and not only can I finish my thoughts, I can verbalize now with an ease that i never had and, at times, elequence.  I did some research on each individual ingredient, and it turns out that each item on that list is something special. Together, they make something amazing. Most of them are antioxidants that pull toxins and heavy metals out of the brain and body, fight free radicals, are antiviral and antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory….the list goes on, but I won’t bore you here about it. I will be posting in the Marketplace. Neutrino Mind Sludge and I'll put the ingredients and dosage for anyone that wants to make it themselves. PM me if you have questions.
This is what I’m here to do. I sell it for the same price I pay for it by weight plus a few bucks for my time and whatever extra you wanna throw my way.
Long story short,  I wanted to have tangible things to bring back and then turns out there wasn't anything to bring back. They answered my question basically with, "keep doing what you're doing dude" LOL
Intelligent, compassionate, loving people will change the world when their brains and emotions are functioning optimally. 
Help me help you help the world!
Mush love and light,
Edit: Oh and I forgot to add afterwards something I think is relevant. As I'm coming out of the experience, I'm crouched down packing up the pipe and stuff, and when i stood up, my ass got caught on the handle of a lower cabinet. I looked back up at the ceiling and laughed hysterically for about 30 seconds, because I got the vibe from my guides something sarcastic like, "don't let the door hit you on the way out!"
Posted in: DMT
13 people like this.
I dont mean to diminish anything that you said. I think that the word that made me take a step back was "interpret." And then i realized that i had been (only a tiny bit) triggered, because my first reaction was that you were saying somehow my interpretation of these guides might just... View More
Like April 15, 2022 Edited
Animal Energy
All good ! Interpret must've just been careless word choice on my part...didn't mean for it to imply anything less than actually knowing. I guess I think of every form of meaning making, whether by analysis, intuition, or download, to be loosely interpretation. I have no doubt that in ... View More
Like April 15, 2022
No i feel the same. It took me a second to get there, but by the time i sent my first reply to you i had come to the same interpretion (lol) of your usage of interpretation. Basically it is any way that you translate data. But my ego had to first get all defensive and when I got over that few millis... View More
Like April 16, 2022
I can relate to this so much as far as severe mental issues, multiple concussions (I think 8 total, one of which so bad I had to be revived on the way to the hospital) and a bad motorcycle 15yrs ago that fractured my skull, orbital socket and my sinus cavity and left me with two different sizes pupi... View More
Like August 20, 2022