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Shagbark Hickory

Male. Lives in United States. Is single.
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Shagbark Hickory
Just filled the room with Palo Santo to calm down. Peace and Love everone..
Shagbark Hickory
So got white crystals off top but the bottom is yellow goo. Anyone have a good way or link to wash? Used acrb..
1 person likes this.
I agree with eagle but if you really want to wash just use a small amount of warm acetone, disolve, slow evap off the solvent till there is no resedue left at all. But the product you have there is fine bro
Like December 16, 2020
Shagbark Hickory
Drying is the quickest part..
6 people like this.
Nice! You have a tips for drying it out? I leave a fan on it for ages plus leave it overnight ant its always still all sticky
Like December 15, 2020
Shagbark Hickory
Same here, I keep a fan on it. This is acrb and if it is real sticky/gooey (sometimes not) I will desolve again and leave the sediment in the bottom of jar when pulling then freeze precipitate and dry again.
Like December 15, 2020
Looks lovely and white
Like December 15, 2020
Shagbark Hickory
First four dishes under the fan. Still have a ½ pint to freeze precipitate.
4 people like this.
Shagbark Hickory
Thank you
Like December 15, 2020 Edited
Shagbark Hickory
Currently waiting on the freeze precipitation process to complete..
Shagbark Hickory
27 people like this.
I do both
Like November 23, 2020
Shagbark Hickory
Minding my business with just alcohol my glass tonight..what I see when I tip the glass..
16 people like this.
Like November 7, 2020
I couldnt even guess what that was til i read it
Like November 18, 2020
Shagbark Hickory
Looking for shroomin2.0 group but can't seem to find it.
2 people like this.
The search bar has been off lately on the mobole site, i cant search for a lot of the groups so when they pop up here and there I've been making web shortcuts to them on my phone lol!!
Like July 16, 2020
Like July 16, 2020
I have the app but i dont use it very often. I prefer the mobile site even though the menu bar still doesnt work haha
Like July 16, 2020
Shagbark Hickory
Ya when i search it shuts my app down. I have reported the issue. Hope they come out with an update fix.
Like July 19, 2020
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