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Tasteful Nudes
278 Members

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Bac budz
Whats peoples thoughts on snorting dmt?
2 people like this.
So i have some friends who are really into the psycadelic stuff. They used to group up people in a yurt and they'd snort dmt with a sitter, kinda like these retreats. I hear its painful, but an amazing experience. They say like 45 minutes long. Read up about it there are some stories out there. Ive ... View More
Like April 11, 2020
Juliet Delta
Just do a line of harmaline prior. Insuffhuasca
Like April 11, 2020
Boof it!
Like April 11, 2020
Boof a line of harmine first. Boofahuasca!
Like April 11, 2020