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Tasteful Nudes
278 Members
Bac budz
Has anyone else had their mushroom grow kits seized at customs? And if so what happened? Were the cops involved?
Bac budz
Whats peoples thoughts on snorting dmt?
2 people like this.
So i have some friends who are really into the psycadelic stuff. They used to group up people in a yurt and they'd snort dmt with a sitter, kinda like these retreats. I hear its painful, but an amazing experience. They say like 45 minutes long. Read up about it there are some stories out there. Ive ... View More
Like April 11, 2020
Juliet Delta
Just do a line of harmaline prior. Insuffhuasca
Like April 11, 2020
Boof it!
Like April 11, 2020
Boof a line of harmine first. Boofahuasca!
Like April 11, 2020
Bac budz
Stay home and travel
18 people like this.
i heat mine up real hot and then let it cool to the temp thst i need it, but i was experienced at dabbing cannabis concentrates before i was introduced to dmt, so temping a banger comes easy to me, i usually go by holding my wrist about half inch above the banger as it cooling, once i... View More
Like April 5, 2020
Is that an axolotl?
Like April 5, 2020
I freaking burnt my shit last night. Im a sad sister atm
Like April 5, 2020
Bac budz
I tend to add the dmt then heat it up steadily. You can watch it melt and start to vaporise then just hit it. Great jurneys so far. Hard to remember the big one from the weekend though id had a couple to drink so i dont think that helped.
Like April 8, 2020
Bac budz
Looking for shroom grow kits in the uk?
2 people like this.
might as well start from scratch. you're in the right place.
Like March 28, 2020
Bac budz
Now just tro wash out any final impruitys and recrystalise now
3 people like this.
I like that yellow jungle spice, ahhh it'll make ya see things
Like March 8, 2020
Bac budz
Here we go. First attempt
12 people like this.
Ooh have fun and be careful!1f642.png also theres a dmt extraction group too! Id post your progress in there, im sure the folks in there would love to see your first pull!! 1f600.png
Like April 4, 2020
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