Psychedelics » DMT
Just wanted to share. Havent had a garden in years. Recently we moved out of the city to a more country side of town, with a huge yard. Ive been looking forward to planting outsode for the past month,... View More
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Just make sure to upsize the pots when needed. I am doing the same thing and had a few cucumbers die off due to them not having enough room for the roots to grow like a moron lol. Great job though for sure!
So my relationship with DMT is relatively new. I have tried several methods of use, sandwiched, nectar collector, glass pipe, and c cell cartridges. I have had several scary experience so recently I've been taking it pretty easy, trying to make myself comfortable with the idea. Cartridges really interested me, so I grabbed some empty carts and some 80/20 mix and started experimenting. My first try was nice and mellow, 2 huge hits at least before reality started to bend, which was what I was looking for at the time. Well tonight I made a fresh cart for my lady, just like the ones before. So here sits this extra empty cart, I said "fuck it" and melted a gram of straight deems and piped it into the cart. Im not even a little concerned with it crystalizing, its been a problem with the carts before but I know if I wrap it in a heating pad for 5 minutes it's good to go. So I go for it, full send only. 1 gram nearly fills the 1ml cart. I take a seat on the couch. Take a quick puff, and blow one of those cute clouds right before I inhale to inspect the vape density... super thin. So I'm thinking oh shit, this might not work. Totally disappointed and discouraged, I take a second hit, this time a real slow pull for about 5 seconds. Cute little puff, and it thick as could be. I inhale, hold it for 1..2..oh shit. Then three final flashes of reality, me holding the pen, me setting the pen on the table, and then throwing myself into the couch. Blastoff. Boy I was not ready, but there I was. Ripped right from my comfort zone. I always have a little fear of death, and tend to immediately panic. This time was no different, and I immediately regretted the decision, but I was able to talk myself down. It took some time to come around but when I did I just had to laugh, I knew what I was in for. Once I stop being so afraid maybe I can learn something from all this.
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In short; after several great times then one really hard one 5yrs ago... Im dipping back in slowly. Being a smoker I set up a few crystals at 1/3rd in on a small joint. over the past few weeks Ive been getting used to the pass over and how to get more out of smaller quantities because in a way its a... View More
May 15, 2020
Yocan plus question, where did you buy it? Some websites have them way cheaper then the website but I don't want to buy something fake.
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I'm curious how many of you have dealt with the feeling of being "stuck" after youve come back from a really intense trip. How do you deal with that?Last night I laid in bed and hit my pen more times ... View More
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Alright i need some advice. I just cracked another jar. How necessary is reheating your mix and how the hell do i do it!?
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I find it helps wraping the bottom of the jar in a face cloth when i put it in a heat bath. Or leaving the lid cracked. I was using a PF tek (mycology) jar lid when i stuck my jar in heat baths so theres no pressure buildup.
April 9, 2020
Does anyone have any links for good resources where I can learn more about the chemistry used in extraction? I want to better understand the science behind it.
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