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Alien. Lives in or around Procyon B, Jamaica. Is in a relationship.
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Mycology » Psilocybin
Good morning you beautiful people!
Anyone out there have any experience growing shroomies and cannabis in the same grow tent together? If so can you share your experience with it and maybe toss in some pics of your setups?
On top of th... View More

1 person likes this.
InRainbows if that is a reference to Radiohead i love it! My favorite Radiohead album (unpopular opinion) lol. Especially disc 2
Like November 13, 2020
It’s some growers on YouTube doing but they grow in bags they hang inside the tent
Like November 13, 2020
Most hydro stores sell mycelium blocks advertised as CO2 enrichment. These things are virtually useless and certainly not worth the price. You may get both the fungus and the plants to survive in overlapping environments but thats all theyre doing is surviving. Definitely not thriving or enriching o... View More
Like November 13, 2020
I think it would depend on humidity levels inside the tent.. but yea plants don’t like 99% humidity.. but inside a bag is totally different climate
Like November 13, 2020
I ate 30 grams of Portobello's 2 hours ago and I'm still not feeling anything. Figured I'd be on the moon by now instead I'm just sitting on the toilet.
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@CaptainParanoid Thanks for the tip man. I'll check it out. Def keep it on the hush hush though.
Like November 9, 2020
I'm more of an oyster typa man it has better visuals then most cubensis
Like November 10, 2020
@bigpinkbuffalo420 Pink, Blue or...? clayteezy1 Noted. I'll give that a shot tomorrow. Got a huge container of them in my fridge I was going to put on some burgers. What's a good starter dose? They are wet so be sure to give me wet weight lol.
Like November 10, 2020
clayteezy1 alright cool cool I got that Pillsbury canned dough in the fridge waiting too. Or should I go with something more natural?
Like November 10, 2020
Is there a dread head group? We should make a dread head group.
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sent you an invite
Like November 5, 2020
Oh dang. I was already trying to join that one and I guess it messed up the invite. I had to remove my request and then hit join again but it failed.
Like November 5, 2020
I will take care of it.
Like November 5, 2020
Thank you 1f642.png
Like November 5, 2020
Got bored ans made a bracelet using some of my old dreadlock beads and some tamarind seeds that I saved a few months back because I figured I could make beads out of them at some point lol. The two me... View More
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Ive got bronze runes for my dreads
Like November 3, 2020
The Germanic tribes
Like November 3, 2020
@PsilyDuncan as Ratfinf11 said, the old germanic tribes. To be exact though, these are Elder Futhark runes. Here's a wiki link you can check out but you can just google them and find a bunch of info on them too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elder_Futhark Also just a note..I fixed the bracelet. I a... View More
Like November 4, 2020
Anyone on the autism spectrum here and willing to share a little of their story and a bit about what psychedelics have done for them?
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Im the worst person to give any advice, im riddled with crazy, same exact shit you wrote in your first post.. i cant work or take care of myself even.. all i can say is, it sounds like you already know the depths of your problems at this point and it might be doing more harm to keep looking for new ... View More
Like October 24, 2020
Time for another book apparently lulz. And sorry this one was on phone and I’m in bed so I’m sure there’s an ass ton of typos but I’m to tired to proofread. Also heads up @NotAContribution. Anything I say that may come across as rude or snobby I 100% do not mean it too be so so bare that in mind p... View More
Like October 24, 2020
Nah man it sounds like youre on the right track honestly. I hope what i said didnt come off like “give up” because really i mean the opposite, you got this!
Like October 25, 2020
It didnt so much come off as straight up give up but more like a warning or something. But i figured that was just how i was interpreting it.
Like October 25, 2020
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