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SGNM. Lives in SCOE. Born on December 1, 1900.
About Me
SWIM and SWIY should be friends if we are both from SCOE. I am old, my body young; Forever existing,... View More
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)
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Psychedelics » Other Compounds
DMT Extraction Teks
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Psychedelics » DMT
Well shit. Don't order p torch anymore. I think im relatively fucked as im on parole as well.
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I’m glad that I ordered a box of whole cactus instead of cactus chips or powder like I originally wanted to. If you look around you can find better deals by ordering from someone who ships whole cactus. Sorry about your loss better luck next time
Like September 13, 2022
Pill Cosby
Is this the only paper you got, or are there more pages? If that paper is all you got it's not legit. There should be a paper with a seizure number on it if it's legit.
Like September 13, 2022
it is all about invoking the 5th pretty much and to not voluntarily incriminate oneself. Same with the IRS that tried to take $1,500 from me. I had to hire an attorney, file an extension and then 6 months later I won my case and got mailed my respected return. Even if it wasn't much it was s... View More
Like September 14, 2022 Edited
Yeah i always take the silent approach when it comes to law enforcement.
Like September 14, 2022
Holy shit. Never use a 0.01g scale for weighing dmitriy. Accidently loaded 100mg and let me tell you it was INSANE. Its cool though.
Nice day to go kayaking
If you know, you know.
Does anyone take psyches once a week for 5 to 6 weekes straight then take 2 to 3 weeks off then repeat? Or is that not a common practice. Cause ive been doing it for a while but didnt know if anyone e... View More
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Noted. That would be a shame to waste this stuff due to it having no effect. Swim was thinking on doing the biweekly thing. It would make them more meaningful.
Like July 7, 2022
Does anyone get really scatter brained and confused when taking like 10 grams of golden teachers? Or is it just swim.
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Geez And I'm worried if I should do 1.5g or 2g of a strain I've never tried before.
Like July 5, 2022
If its PEs then 2g is usually a good dose
Like July 5, 2022
Well it all started when I puked. 1min after puking it was like getting blasted off at super luminal speeds only for me to a dark landscape of death. I forgot everyones names including my own, there was hyperbolic fractals everywhere I couldnt escape, my hands had hands had hands if that makes sense... View More
Like July 7, 2022
I only ask because I don't quite believe in that concept. Only because we cannot kill our egos. I feel there is more exploring for understanding in that aspect of the psychedelic experience. Healthy integration call for learning how to work with and alter your ego to a more comf... View More
Like July 7, 2022 Edited
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