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Dave Snifferson
Has anyone heard of “reality boomerang” ? Or more commonly known as “Droste effect“. Well that’s happened to me before. My reality boomeranged idk....as it happened I thought to myself keep it togeth... View More
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Dave Snifferson
Is dMt created for occasional use or recreational.? ????????
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Myco Guy
I'd say it is definitely for occasional "spiritual" use. It's wise to only blast off when you have an intention set. What do you want to gain out of the experience. I feel it helps you understand and make sense of what is happening easier. That's not to say that you can't enjoy the hell out of the m... View More
Like January 10, 2020
Dave Snifferson
Soooo I tried changa the other day for my first time and wwwwaaaaaoow what a feeling lol it’s like regular deems but much more how do I say with out the scary part lmao jk it got me off guard.
Dave Snifferson
I’m a human from earth.
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Dave Snifferson
I’m going to draw what you just made me see
Like December 9, 2019
Dave Snifferson
I’ll up load it later
Like December 9, 2019
@vertix isn’t that the start of The Good Place! LOL!
Like December 9, 2019
you never know...hihi
Like December 9, 2019
Dave Snifferson
Jijij Simple tiny square ????????
Dave Snifferson
Oh yup..
Dave Snifferson
Ik sieving is against rules but anyone know good website for some 1p or anything alike ????????????
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Dave Snifferson
Like December 5, 2019
Dave Snifferson
I get it.. I had this site I would go to but yea it says no more for USA. So this leaves me in square one again.
Like December 5, 2019
Dave Snifferson
It’s not for consumption but for framing on my wall and research testing. Lma fo
Like December 5, 2019
Dave Snifferson
That be cool if I did. But you know how that is.
Like December 5, 2019
Dave Snifferson
Every time I hit the deems it had me like ????????
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Like November 21, 2019
Like November 21, 2019
Dave Snifferson
Anyone aware of what’s going on in Hong Kong ?
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Just the continuing protesting gov? Nothing specific, any info??
Like November 19, 2019
Like November 19, 2019
Dave Snifferson
Some thing like this that. I believe it offered voting for leaders and other things alike
Like November 20, 2019
Dave Snifferson
Interesting tho just though I’d ask.
Like November 20, 2019
Dave Snifferson
Question: Sooo some years(3)when I first discovered mushrooms and took my first trip with about one oz of mushrooms. The dose was a heck of a dose tell you that I remember it all. Anyways so the next ... View More
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Dave Snifferson
Thank you all prehand!
Like November 12, 2019
Dave Snifferson
@dickmoby I was scared but also wanted to explore so I took a step unaware of what I my cross and yea. I was really happy I have a video of that night where I was outside and came across a black dog with glowing eyes.
Like November 15, 2019
Dave Snifferson
@Michael they were dry.
Like November 15, 2019
Dave Snifferson
@michael i gave some to a friend and she said she felt the same. But she only took an eighth. I took the oz, I lasted a good 12 hours on the floor rolling around hugging my fan yelling yoooo! This feels grate!!! Before slowly started coming down.
Like November 15, 2019
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