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I deleted your post it violates the rule of no illegal sourcing and our TOS, thanks for understanding........hope you have fun on your tip.
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Can anyone identify these for me? The brown was growing solo and the others grew in clusters.
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Inaturalist app
Like November 4, 2020
post this in Allcaps mushroom identification group, Im sure he will be able to help you
Like November 4, 2020
^ Thanks
Like November 4, 2020
Using the Inaturalist app, I saw similar photos and concluded its Pale Brittlestem. I downloaded other mushroom photo apps and couldnt nail it down, thx for the recommendations!
Like November 4, 2020
California - Amsterdam - currently in France. Idk might got to Germany or Italy next month.
3 people like this.
I dont think I would have left Amsterdam
Like September 27, 2020
Lucky charms
Why ca it sucks here
Like October 7, 2020
Next time ur in Amsterdam..holler!
Like October 7, 2020
Did everyone know that these are accessible everywhere in Amsterdam? I feel like I unlocked a hidden gem. All are like $20
3 people like this.
Ive bought 3 of these, had them sent to the uk. In my experience, they are not very good. 2 kits never produced, had contamination. The other kit only produced 150g wet.
Like September 26, 2020
Ive had 5 kits from a supplier in amsterdam as well as truffles and I cannot fault them, currently using their MMS vials. Your lucky your shipment got through UK customs as even grow kits became illegal in 2006 in the uk , the company I use wont even try shipping to the uk
Like September 26, 2020
I used avalon magic plants
Like September 26, 2020
Currently I am growing small kit from syr***, waiting for those head to pop out. Its my first time with them so I will see.
Like September 26, 2020 Edited
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