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Male. Lives in Indiana. Is married.
About Me
love life and love family. Love to try new things

Status Update

I notice I have no trouble getting everything to make dmt except for mimosa. It’s hard to know where to get it from. I’ll be doing my research so I get the right product. Did anyone struggle in the ma... View More
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Like June 27, 2019
Found this on amazon. Will give it a try. Thank you
Like June 27, 2019
Seriously. Mrs. Wages pickling lime. %100 calcium hydroxide.
Like June 27, 2019
I acidify the bark with white vinegar and pickling lime. A little hot water. Lime goes in before you let it sit. Then a napth bath and evap. Napth is the ONLY thing that's not organic
Like June 28, 2019