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Male. Lives in Indiana. Is married.
About Me
love life and love family. Love to try new things
I had the craziest dream. I had purchased magic mushrooms and ended up being fake. It was horrible. Hope that never happen
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This weather is baking us. Must stay hydrated
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Ben Addams
Ain't the weather, dude. Still gotta stay hydrated. Cottonmouth and all that.
Like July 2, 2019
9th Dimensional Holy Guru
shared a photo - with DragonPHX and 40 others
Measure my actions on the scale of honor.
Levers and pulleys retracting.
Enacting clever movements in the here after.
Ripples in time affecting the weather.
The master of disaster sits at his desk.
The cr... View More

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Ali Cenk Gidergi
İlla huu !
Like July 1, 2019
Lately shrooms has been on my mind. Thinking of starting out on this first before dmt.
3 people like this.
Like July 1, 2019
Good idea
Like July 1, 2019
What’s better between dmt and shrooms? Both seem to do the same from what I read. Just one is quicker than the other
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Jeffrey Loubouski
Neither are better.
Like June 28, 2019
I don’t know about that
Like June 28, 2019
Mushrooms is like a tea party with aliens, dmt is being abducted by the aliens, taken to the other side of the galaxy, then dropped back to earth, 10 minutes later !
Like June 28, 2019
Good way of illustrating something
Like June 28, 2019
I was working while I was reading and must have misunderstood what shithead was saying. We are totally in agreement xD my bad
Like June 28, 2019
Jeffrey Loubouski
All in the world know the beauty of the beautiful, and in doing this they have (the idea of) what ugliness is; they all know the skill of the skilful, and in doing this they have (the idea of) what the want of skill is. ... View More
Like June 28, 2019
I notice I have no trouble getting everything to make dmt except for mimosa. It’s hard to know where to get it from. I’ll be doing my research so I get the right product. Did anyone struggle in the ma... View More
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<a href='https://dmtworld.net/social/PF.Base/file/pic/photo/5d1557fc34f51.jpeg' class='thickbox'><img class='uploaded_image' src='https://dmtworld.net/social/PF.Base/file/pic/photo/5d1557fc34f51.jpeg'></a>
Like June 27, 2019
Found this on amazon. Will give it a try. Thank you
Like June 27, 2019
Seriously. Mrs. Wages pickling lime. %100 calcium hydroxide.
Like June 27, 2019
I acidify the bark with white vinegar and pickling lime. A little hot water. Lime goes in before you let it sit. Then a napth bath and evap. Napth is the ONLY thing that's not organic
Like June 28, 2019
I want to experience this for myself. Read a lot about it. It’s time to know it.
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