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Male. Lives in Canada. Born on July 26, 1989.
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People call me Saije.
DMT Extraction Teks
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Psychedelics » DMT
I’m always a bit nervous before a Tripp
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I have blasted off on 5.2g of Maz and man knowing it was a longer time period than doing DMT I'm now no longer afraid to dive into that realm knowing it will only be 15-30min as suppose to an intense 6hr mental escape room. Looking forward to attempting this summer experiment.
Like June 3, 2022 Edited
Like June 3, 2022
I’m not familiar with Maz either. This past few days I’m less anxious going into a Tripp. Though I feel like I need to moderate my use a bit now. Take a break and reflect on the experiences before having another.
Like June 4, 2022
It is short for Mazatepec. A very strong and aggressive strain from Mexico. I always have spiritual experiences with this strain and always have a pleasurable view. Also my personal favorite strain that I have bonded with.
Like June 4, 2022
posted a trip report.
7 people like this.
Wicked taste of the other side! Reminds me of the one trip I had where i was engulfed by white light. Came back crying, but no clue why... but whatever it was, was so great. Keep trippin.
Like June 3, 2022
Rajesh- ive used a standard vape pen, cheap shit you use with cannabis oil. Works great man. Just try not to overcook er.
Like June 3, 2022
I honestly don’t know what wattage my pen is at or even maxes at. I bought the vape pen online just press the button and go. The instructions said to screw the cartridge in all the way for max voltage and instructions say to do that. This has me curious though, that may be info the seller should b... View More
Like June 3, 2022
Mine had a high, medium, and low setting. Triple click to change wattage kinda shit
Like June 3, 2022
Moon is a little wonky, but quite pleased with how it turned out overall.
10 people like this.
Pill Cosby
That's dope as fuck
Like June 2, 2022
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