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Has anyone else expiraminted with this? Alleged Sassafras Activation in-Viro. Enthogenic use of Naturallynocurring MDA
Do the following:Take 1000 mg of L-lysine to produce excess piperidine in the body... View More

1 person likes this.
Im very intrigued. I feel a real need to produce this for my brothers and sisters to muffle the use of other terrible substances
Like October 29, 2020
So the sweet basil was a bust but i didn't realise how much chamomile tea reduces anxiety and now im goimg to be drinking it daily.
Like October 30, 2020
As far as I know, sassafras oil mainly contains safrole, which is useless as drug, but after isomerization it is a precursor for md-p2p. Isomerization of safrole isn't as easy as refluxing it with a solvent and KOh because the reaction affects to the reaction weasel, even a vitroheating plate cannot... View More
Like October 31, 2020
I very much want to know i dont know the answers here but i have gotten to try sass preparation of some kind it was likr a gooey sugery nasty black substance he had like idk crazy amounts it was like a large ziploc bag and like a summer sausage of this shit inside a tiny key bump sized dab of this g... View More
Like October 31, 2020