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Visit radiocanuto.com and look at "relatos exóticos " DMT, la experiencia. That was my experience, but it is written in spanish
First it was a search for a meaning and psychedelic experience, but over the years I found out two things : a substance has an age related effect, enteogens are best when the person is still young bec... View More
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I think age is irrelevant. It's more about how much baggage one has that makes a difference.
Like October 31, 2020
Age has a big influence in my opinion
Like October 31, 2020
I agree with Earring... anyway diving in the non known spaces of the mind is a dangerous sport
Like November 10, 2020
The last experiment turned out on an unexpected way, due the effects I think the bark of the bigger and older roots have a different psicoactive compound than the thin ones, in these last I think ther... View More
2 people like this.
Hey can you elaborate on what it is you mean.l would like to understand.
Like October 31, 2020
Yes I harvested the root bark, where I live acacia trees are common
Like November 1, 2020
Has anyone else expiraminted with this? Alleged Sassafras Activation in-Viro. Enthogenic use of Naturallynocurring MDA
Do the following:Take 1000 mg of L-lysine to produce excess piperidine in the body... View More

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Im very intrigued. I feel a real need to produce this for my brothers and sisters to muffle the use of other terrible substances
Like October 29, 2020
So the sweet basil was a bust but i didn't realise how much chamomile tea reduces anxiety and now im goimg to be drinking it daily.
Like October 30, 2020
As far as I know, sassafras oil mainly contains safrole, which is useless as drug, but after isomerization it is a precursor for md-p2p. Isomerization of safrole isn't as easy as refluxing it with a solvent and KOh because the reaction affects to the reaction weasel, even a vitroheating plate cannot... View More
Like October 31, 2020
I very much want to know i dont know the answers here but i have gotten to try sass preparation of some kind it was likr a gooey sugery nasty black substance he had like idk crazy amounts it was like a large ziploc bag and like a summer sausage of this shit inside a tiny key bump sized dab of this g... View More
Like October 31, 2020
Anyone have any experience wirh activating sassafrass?
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This is the tree that gave me the opportunity to help my soul sick mates intimates and friends, and myself by the way
13 people like this.
I wanted to assume acacia right away, because it fits the description. It just looks like a willow tree, as theres nothing similar where im from
Like November 2, 2020
Yea I agree. There are many diffent willows
Like November 2, 2020
It is an acacia, I live in the Canary Islands and this kind of acacia is common here, people here doesn't know about DMT at all, kolks asked me, why do you get some roots of it?
Like November 10, 2020
Lmao, thats not suspicious at all eh lol
Like November 10, 2020
Hello, I'm elaborating a blend of canarian cactus fruit (named higo pico or tunera by the native population) with some herbs and spices (ruda, artemisa, camomila, hierbabuena, marihuana leaves stems a... View More
1 person likes this.
Oh wow Wolf you are doing what i am researching day and night to learn how to do! This... this is what its all about! Oh i wish we could sit and chat id love to pick that mind over for some juicy knowlege! Oh man! Jealous i wish i would have learned this earlier in life.
Like October 18, 2020
#noumena please feel free to contact me, I can't find people to speak about enteogens, spiritual evolution or even witchcraft, I didn't believe in this last subject but it's so real like the water in the oceans
Like October 19, 2020
posted a trip report.
3 people like this.
Oh wow
Like October 28, 2020
This is the one thing iva had opportunities to do but never felt brave enough.
Like October 28, 2020
Today is the 9th day after I was handling some root bark from a tree near here, I didn't got the cristals after processing but I touched myself and I guess the tryptamines in gasoline in my hands got ... View More
shared a few photos
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Im hoping to get some san pedro in my garden this next summer. Along with many other Medicinally valuble species. Keep up the good work!
Like October 28, 2020
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