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Status Update

Hello, I'm elaborating a blend of canarian cactus fruit (named higo pico or tunera by the native population) with some herbs and spices (ruda, artemisa, camomila, hierbabuena, marihuana leaves stems a... View More
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Oh wow Wolf you are doing what i am researching day and night to learn how to do! This... this is what its all about! Oh i wish we could sit and chat id love to pick that mind over for some juicy knowlege! Oh man! Jealous i wish i would have learned this earlier in life.
Like October 18, 2020
#noumena please feel free to contact me, I can't find people to speak about enteogens, spiritual evolution or even witchcraft, I didn't believe in this last subject but it's so real like the water in the oceans
Like October 19, 2020