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Maybe this will help you visualize the process.
19 people like this.
Terri Viverios
THANK YOUUU!!!!!!! I need all the advice i can get on grain transfer to tray as i can get. You are a beautiful human being
Like January 27, 2020
I would love to have a log culture, what are good mushrooms to do that at home?
Like January 27, 2020
edibles are Shiitake, Lion's Mane, Oyster, Phoenix Oyster, Pioppini, Reishi, Chicken of the Woods, Maitake, and Nameko. I’m sure there are more but that’s what I could think of. As far as actives go I’m not sure.
Like January 27, 2020
Very cool. Im printing this out for some wall art.
Like January 27, 2020
What does it take to get started and grow shroomies? Also if you would like to take the time to, layout the process please. Thanks famsmile.gif
2 people like this.
Your best bet is to hit up the getting started section over at shroomery.org as thats quite a bit of info. https://www.shroomery.org/11323/Getting-Started
Like January 27, 2020
I would head over to the shroomery.org site, and learn agar! If youre serious about growing, and want to be successful, agar is the way to go! Follow a specific Tek, and follow it precisely. Your worst enemy is contamination, so master a sterile procedure, and you should be golden. I too am thinki... View More
Like January 27, 2020
Anyone else have very vivid, lucid dreams the night of/ nights after tripping shrooms? ( I usually trip acid and haven’t had this before)
3 people like this.
Im not sure about shrooms. But low dose dmt has done it to me a few times.
Like January 27, 2020
Animal Energy
I've been experimenting with a dream tea for a few months that had taken me from barely being aware of my dreams to having very vivid complex dreams regularly almosy every night. Then a night after i tripped on mushrooms i had my first lucid dream, and it happened again the following night. Never ha... View More
Like January 27, 2020
I smoke much...working to cut that shit to a minimum.
Like January 27, 2020
Animal Energy
I smoke weed almost every night which is the reason i started creating the dream tea
Like January 27, 2020
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