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I cannot tell a lie.
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XD clone that swangy bitch
Like March 17, 2020
Finally was able to procure some Spirit Molecules smile.gif
8 people like this.
Looks just like the last batch i extracted, enjoy, safe journey 1f642.png
Like March 17, 2020
Jay Pickles
Sweet! How'd you get it so dry? Mine doesn't want to dry all the way it seems. Shoulda waited for the vacuum dryer to come in I guess.
Like March 17, 2020
Surely if you leave it out all the nps evaporates and you're left with dry crystals??
Like March 17, 2020
Jay Pickles
Yeah I was being impatient, for no reason at all. Once I took a chill pill, it went fast and dried just as fast.
Like March 18, 2020
New tubs starting off strong!
4 people like this.
True. Still noob af lol
Like February 27, 2020
Back on my bullshit
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We got lots of meme groups this would be great in.
Like February 7, 2020
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First grow starting strong!!
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Some interesting lookin fruit right there
Tonight was rough
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Other dude ran a red and there was nothing I could do in the moment
Like February 2, 2020
Oh no! Hope no one got hurt.
Like February 2, 2020
Dude, damn. I really hope everyone involved is okay
Like February 2, 2020
Bet you can't smoke dmt amd drive "Hold my beer" Seriously though happy your ok
Like February 2, 2020
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Cold one out with the boys! -10 to -15°F
Got some good runs in, anyone know how to post videos? The imgur links wont work?
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Lil baby microdose for today!
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Hailey Nicole
Omg this is the cutest thing ever!!!
Like January 20, 2020
Like January 20, 2020
Ur overdosing
Like January 21, 2020
Ozric Starshine
I hope thats not penis envy...lol
Like January 21, 2020
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Psilocybe azurescens (I was told)
14 people like this.
Have yet to try them, but yea I have no doubt that if they actually are theyre gonna kick my ass!
Like January 20, 2020
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