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Male. Lives in New brunswick, Canada. Is single.
About Me
I'm a father(2yrs boy) and a Psychonaut of 15 years just recently got into DMT, was a big fan of LSD... View More
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Status Update

Anyone familiar with Ketamine? I'm getting some high grade tested Ketamine, it's something I've yet to experience. I'm not nervous. But I also have no personal experiences, so let's open a dialog! Tel... View More
5 people like this.
I would only do Ketamine in a therapy setting. It is legal to do so but very costly.
Like June 9, 2022
i had the same question. Thanks GaiaGazing ❤
Like June 9, 2022
When I was a youngster my mom was a vet tech. Once I found out about k I became very willing to help her. Well finally got the opportunity to get a couple of vials. I had no clue what I had really until a friend's older brother showed us the ropes. Of course now I know he kept most of it but then I ... View More
Like June 9, 2022
Thank you all for your input
Like June 9, 2022