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Male. Lives in New brunswick, Canada. Is single.
About Me
I'm a father(2yrs boy) and a Psychonaut of 15 years just recently got into DMT, was a big fan of LSD... View More
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Status Update

Been strugling with anxiety and abandonment issues lately. Been consuming me,I decided to stay away from this app( and all other social habits) due to feeling hopeless. But then my phone brought it up... View More
14 people like this.
Lifes what you make of it
Like July 31, 2021
I love you
Like July 31, 2021
Thank you all, every comment made has helped more then you guys know. Saidar, Oryx0184,GaiaGazing, Happykb. Your constant support is so endearing. The rest of you are noticed too! I appreciat every single one of you!. Makes me wish we could all meet up and just share a hug!
Like August 1, 2021
Its good to take a step back from the social (life or media) aspect once in a while to work on yourself. You are the best friend you you will ever have. But you have to work on keeping your soul happy to reap the rewards. Always be confident that you are worthy. Be well my friend!
Like August 1, 2021