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soo proud off my dingdongs!
26 people like this.
the one with the stump growing out the cap is 7.6 grams dehydrated! i cant believe how far ive come from all green tubs to now only half the time green tubs lol what a ride!
Like July 30, 2021
its like everytime i shed a preprogramed marxist notion from my mind that my pinsets get a little fuller and the peens become more sturdy. everytime i see through a lie of identity politics i can see the trichoderma tremble. RESIST CULTURAL CONTAM
Like July 30, 2021
Cultural contam lol
Like July 31, 2021
This is a dick pic i dont mind seeing lol
Like July 31, 2021
if you believe in memetics or mycelium this ones for you
blessed with my first ever flush of Penis Envy
19 people like this.
There's one that seems like it is looking right at me o.o
Like July 13, 2021
couple chonky Orissas
my girl and i are starting to think of the mycelium as our alien pet.
12 people like this.
That's a wierd but kinda reasonable way of thinking about it
Like October 23, 2020
Well Terrence would say that you are indeed your mycelium pet ;-p
Like October 25, 2020
10 people like this.
I prefer the old school the new games kinda sucked I was obsessed I played all the old school ones but pokemon go is good too especially when they added the new stuff and better pokémon and new ways of getting legendarys etc I'm still heavily invested into the game lol I can't quit now I ha... View More
Like October 10, 2020
Lol I played when it first came out for a long time but hard to keep up with it nowadays
Like October 11, 2020
not gonna lie, the only thing stopping me from playing again is societys expectations
Like October 11, 2020
i always knew vileplume was on something lol
Like October 11, 2020
Orissa India. Anybody else like their showers at pasteurization temp?
Thanks to everyone here and in other gray corners of the internet for sharing information that has led me to today gazing lovingly at my very first mushroom pups!! MushLove
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