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BEST portion/ketchup cups for agar? the ones i got last time topple over after the third cup not the best! thanks
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more failures, any thoughts? agar to grain 1/16. two small holes drilled in top of lids with micropore tape over them. ill be using plastic lids on the next jars.
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Looks Iike fuzzy mycelium. I don't see any green.
Like April 5, 2021
third thransfers, this contamination growing out hefore the transfers even start to. any idea what it is? i used way too much honey in the agar i think but besides using a hot glass to try to minimize... View More
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SAB without attached gloves
Like January 4, 2021
i may have put too much honey, not gotten a good mixture, had the heater on, possibly not sterilized long enough (30min 15psi). anyway i just poured a new batch we shall see in a couple days
Like January 4, 2021
can i just get a box fan and tape a hepa filter to it? or is that not good enough
Like January 4, 2021
Youd be amazed how badly running a central air heater system just fills every spec of air in your home with fun stuff, err not so fun, fet you excited 1 day come back the next eww mold. I had so literally section off a room plastic it all around sealed it off pressurized it and inside of that i have... View More
Like January 4, 2021
soo stoked guys, just did my first transfers. had some MSS growing out on a premade agar plate since thanksgiving. last night i made my first agar and today i’ve transfered ten little chunks over to m... View More
nothing like seeing growth on agar after getting home from a trip
are you kidding me... trying to fashion a SAB
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Vincent Harrington
Hey so this is just my experience but ive had great success with utilizing my room or bathroom as a SAB. I just make sure the A/c and heater are off in the house close the door to the room. Clean and wipe my work area with iso 70% then I get a spray bottle with 2parts bleach and 8 parts water mixed ... View More
Like November 23, 2020 Edited
thanks for the advice man!
Like November 23, 2020
Im pretty sure the tub is made out of thermoplastic and not a thermoset polymer. Try heating the blade...
Like November 23, 2020
I went out and bought a big can of coffee that still packed in metal. I used my torch to heat the open end of the can and held it with a soaking wet rag. It worked awesome. Two perfect holes with no nasty edges. If you don’t have a torch any friend that does HVAC or plumbing can help you out.
Like November 23, 2020 Edited
skipped agar and MSSed WBS quart jars are nearing full colonization after like three months...
I have agar n LME powders and petri dishes and I bought a big plastic tub to use as a SAB but now i’m scar... View More

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Same as Carinispoorshead no tape around my holes but always wear gloves and face mask and isopropyl my arms and hands and anything else that is in the vicinity, everytime you breath, you in-hail and ex-hail fungal spores, say that on a science program
Like November 22, 2020
Thank you guys I really appreciate the help!
Like November 22, 2020
If you want to make sure your SAB is actually "still air" light a incense stick it inside before you try to do any work, watch the smoke when you stick your arms in and out, if the smoke moves around adjust your holes a little bigger to hopefully stop any air from moving inside the SAB
Like November 22, 2020
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