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Status Update

skipped agar and MSSed WBS quart jars are nearing full colonization after like three months...
I have agar n LME powders and petri dishes and I bought a big plastic tub to use as a SAB but now i’m scar... View More

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Same as Carinispoorshead no tape around my holes but always wear gloves and face mask and isopropyl my arms and hands and anything else that is in the vicinity, everytime you breath, you in-hail and ex-hail fungal spores, say that on a science program
Like November 22, 2020
Thank you guys I really appreciate the help!
Like November 22, 2020
If you want to make sure your SAB is actually "still air" light a incense stick it inside before you try to do any work, watch the smoke when you stick your arms in and out, if the smoke moves around adjust your holes a little bigger to hopefully stop any air from moving inside the SAB
Like November 22, 2020