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Male. Lives in New York, United States. Is in a relationship.
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Looking for DMT. Looking for answers to questions i don’t have yet. To experience something i cant e... View More
Natural DMT in the Body: Theories on Endogenous DMT
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DMT is so hard to find in NYC.
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Better learn how to extract it, that's all we do on this platform...... here's a group for you
Like August 31, 2023 Edited
Thoughts on taking DMT orally with an MAOi (most likely syrian rue)? How much of each do you think it will require? I heard there was some kind of formula based on body weight, but I cant seem to fi... View More
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100 to 150mg. 4 grams of rue 30 to 45 minutes before.
Like February 26, 2020
Question: This is in regards to risk factor - So smoked DMT increases heart rate and blood pressure. But how drastic is the increase? Im a little concerned because of the stories Ive heard. Although, ... View More
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Question about DMT and MAOI. Is the MAOI only necessary for ingested (oral) DMT? Or for smoked DMT also?
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Edward Scissorhands
No experience in the matter, but my research suggesta it works to extend the vaporized session as well.
Like October 2, 2019
@Victor Thank you! Also, what is the recommended way to smoke it? With Cannabis? I see a lot of people just saying ‘ash’. Is that because the cannabis would alter the trip? Diluting it in someway?
Like October 2, 2019
Cannabis can interfere with the clean experience of DMT. You can use any base herb, such as mint, passion flower, and Jasmine. You can enfuse your herbs too, for enhanced leaf. Some plants have MOAI’s, though usually in low doses. I suggest a syrian rue tea to add to a smoking session, easily ma... View More
Like October 2, 2019
I personally prefer to smoke enhanced leaf, its easier to handle, tastes great, and is easy to store and travel with, as it looks like potpourii or tea.
Like October 2, 2019
Hey Merki, we seem to be on parallel journeys
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It’s nice finding people with similar curiosities.
Like September 30, 2019
Hey Merki shoot me a Message lets start a dialogue
Like October 1, 2019
Hello, I’m new here from NYC. I’m on a journey to find some DMT which seems to be hard to find. Looking for answers to questions i don’t have yet. To experience something i cant explain. Something tha... View More
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Giorgio Ponzio
Oh shit man Sorry
Like September 26, 2019
Im from Brooklyn, NY. Its true. Psychedelics are hard to get. I may be able to get a hold of mushrooms in the meantime. I’ll probably with go to the west coast and see if i can find some DMT before i attempt an extraction. Or at least i get approved for the tek group
Like September 27, 2019
Austin Rutter
Me too man
Like September 27, 2019
TheMadHatter321 i think it's all in who you know i have friends in midtown that move everything for k,deemsters, L, boomers, ect, ect.. fuck they even have tanks(n2o). Lol everyone should have a friend or 2 deep in the grateful dead scene (~);}
Like September 27, 2019
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