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Austin Rutter

Male. Lives in Illinois, United States. Is in a relationship.
Austin Rutter
Hello everyone. I am exploring the use of psychedelics with mental illness. I have mostly used myself as a test subject. However after seeing it work on myself i started getting others to do it with m... View More
Austin Rutter
Psycedelics is not that new to me really. I mean im still learning but i have beej smoking weed for years love the stuff. Did shrooms as well as acid want to eventually find or make dmt.
Like September 10, 2019
Dmt should be a breeze if youve done acid and shrooms. Just breathe, accept everything you see with an open mind, and remember its gone in 15 minutes if you begin to go into a scarier trip.
Like September 10, 2019
Scarlett N
"Dmt should be a breeze if youve done acid and shrooms" Sorry but I completely disagree with that notion. I had done mushrooms and acid and other psychedelics as well before dmt and nothing could've prepared me for what happened when I broke through, it was an experience that was completely unpreced... View More
Like September 10, 2019
Bro i have PTSD and i havent eat shrooms in 15 years i was a lil scard that i was goin to bug out i guess ill start off small
Like September 10, 2019
Austin Rutter
Whats up new here from southern illinois
Sup dude! Southern Illinois is a wonderful place to harvest root bark from the prairie mimosa. A wonderful plant for mind bending purposes
Like July 20, 2019
Austin Rutter
Awesome thanks
Like July 20, 2019
Illinois here friend
Like July 21, 2019
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