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Male. Lives in New York City, United States. Is in a relationship.
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What's your code name? Mine is Consciousness.
Terence McKenna
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Hey DMT World , I miss this community
2 people like this.
Well, here we are with open arms to welcome you once again.
Like January 7, 2020
Started working, staccing up. Happy with life, started rapping again.
How do I convince my girlfriend that LSD isn’t the hell drug society tells you it is. I tried it, it was very helpful, like 12 months of therapy in 12 hours but it left me kind of sad because of all t... View More
5 people like this.
I would try to eloquently explain your own experience and how it impacted you, and point her in the direction of some scientific studies like the Johns Hopkins one stated above.. If she still does not see it for what it truly is, I would just explain that you are going to do what you want with your ... View More
Like October 6, 2019
Ozric Starshine
Babyboo isnt that from the book Go Ask Alice?? Havent heard that phrase in a minute!
Like October 6, 2019
Whatever you choose to do, if you’re not honest with your intentions then you are going to be asking more serious questions than this. People can sniff a lie like a fart in a phone booth. Tell her the truth, but if you’re not ready for the outcome of the truth then you best do as she (they) says.
Like October 6, 2019
You can abuse psychedelics. Just don't abuse them and you'll be fine. Psychedelics are great for giving you an ass kicking when you need it. They won't let you abuse them for too long. I completely agree that you can get 12 months of therapy in an a single LSD trip. I suggest you have her read some ... View More
Like October 7, 2019 Edited
It's lonely in here... I would leave but my body keeps following.
So what do you shroom growers do in the winter ? in order to maintain temperature?
Because I have some things coming in but its fall and Idk if it'll fail.
1 person likes this.
Keep the heat on...lol
Like September 29, 2019
New York City heads say YOOO
3 people like this.
Thank you boss !
Like September 29, 2019
I wanna create a group
Like September 29, 2019
NYC Based group
Like September 29, 2019
Yo upstate here albany area
Like September 29, 2019
I Just want to be able to heal people
8 people like this.
The best way to start is with healing yourself. And then Everyone you encounter, have a real conversation with them. Talk about your issues and your traumas openly. Dont pressure them to do the same or confront theirs but present yourself in a manner that they feel comforta le letting down their wal... View More
Like September 16, 2019
Thanks Dandelion, the healthy "weed"
Like September 16, 2019
People want to open up
Like September 16, 2019
T rex ophora
Love. Love love.
Like October 3, 2019
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