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Male. Lives in Hyde Park, New York, United States. Born on September 1, 2000. Is single.
About Me
I'd love nothing more than to sit on top of the world and enjoy the view. I follow my heart's desire... View More
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So its been about 2 weeks since I last tripped. I really was having a hard time there, and part of the problem was that I definitely made myself psychologically dependent on the acid, hailing it as a ... View More
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you say "that I couldn't never do in real life" whats not real life about having an experience? just cuz you were under the influence, doesnt make it any less real just know the what you feel is only one version of real. theres a lot of realities out there,
Like May 15, 2020 Edited
I couldnt say it better myself. One thing i like that i find among fellow psychonauts is that all illusions tend to fade and the real self is brought out more often than not. Its comforting to be in t... View More
posted a trip report.
Hey so ive got a question. Ive been tripping at least once a week on some high grade 99.3% pure acid that ive been getting from the dark web for a little over a year now. I know it could be dangerous,... View More
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Psych will lose that sparkle if you use them a lot. Kinda sucks i know what your talking about. Ive eaten many sheets in this life and wish i hadn't. It used to be really exciting but lost its luster.
Like April 30, 2020
The Mushroom Man
Shit man, I was dosing every week for a while too. Big doses. I started to doubt my own existence in the real world so I had to dial it back. "take it easy, but take it." - Terence McKenna Also, you should always test your supply so you know it's safe. Lotta sketchy shit out there, be safe
Like April 30, 2020
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Always, my dear friends, always!
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Its been a mantra of mine for a while - love it!
Like April 29, 2020
I absolutely love the way a good trip will bring you closer to not only yourself, but to your loved ones, and even your enemies! There is something absolutely wonderful about the time you take to focu... View More
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Most excellent share here, Mr. Sir 1f642.png
Like April 26, 2020
You said brother, divine medicine!
Like April 26, 2020
Experiencing hurt I caused from their perspective has been the most enlightening part of trips
Like April 26, 2020
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