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Mycology » Psilocybin
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Mycology » Psilocybin
How do yall handle the day after a big acid trip?
6 people like this.
Like December 5, 2020
Definitely dive back into normal life, happily, and re-energized. Even at 750ug. Take it early enough and you can still achieve a regular nights rest and feel great the next day.
Like December 5, 2020
Micro dose a hit of l
Like January 4, 2021
Lucky charms
Long shower neflix and a zip of top shelf flowers
Like January 5, 2021
Everyone! Go to youtube and watch the documentary "Fantastic Fungi" it was amazing!
11 people like this.
Rubick's Perspective
Fantasma, torrents! 1f609.png
Like November 2, 2020
Like November 2, 2020
It certainly is a fantastic documentary! We truly are all connected.
Like November 2, 2020
Thank you for this! Such interesting information
Like November 2, 2020
Found these bad boiis at walmart for $0.94 a piece!
18 people like this.
Joey Green
Awesome find! .... Ive been an avid collector of mushroom motif do-dads for many years (much to the dismay of any females Ive cohabitated with lol)...... and I still smile broadly whenever finding a new one! Those towels are far from "tacky" ..... but I have a few that could definitely fall under t... View More
Like October 30, 2020
I honeslty didnt know much about amanita muscaria until we watched Hamiltons Pharmacopia. And i was like omg these mushrooms are everywhere!!! Watch the new nutcracker movie and watch in the backgeound during the ballet part. Fucking amanita muscaria props in the background. Of a disney movie.
Like October 30, 2020
Has anyone watched Hamilton's Pharmacopeia?
16 people like this.
Boomer you be nice haha there are some who haven't seen it 1f61b.png I have but a few people here apparently dislike him! I watched the mushroom episode and the DMT one. I was SUPER confused when I came to this site because in his episode man he just goes out, and the reaction he has is unreal and then there... View More
Like October 23, 2020
I thought it was on Netflix .. I think that's where I watched it actually. Or maybe YouTube... But pretty sure Netflix
Like October 23, 2020
@mushromeo,, all his episodes are on Hulu. I think he’s pretty cool. He shares our same interests for sure
Like October 23, 2020
I was watching the dmt episode again recently and wondered. . . What's the most n,n-dmt everyone has smoked at a single time? Second, anyone here love isolation tanks? I was going all the time in thailand, but so far in the us they are expensive and don't seem as sanitary.
Like October 23, 2020
7 people like this.
Ive just finished my first grow on GT’s. Hoping to get a couple of flushes.
Like October 17, 2020
Mario sabino
Like October 17, 2020
That is the way mine looks is that good or bad it looked like that for about two weeks
Like October 18, 2020
Use innoculation loop, s swipe and pick the early growth.
Like January 3, 2021
Check out mars tonight yall!
10 people like this.
Its in alingment with the moon, looks super cool and red.
Like October 3, 2020
Saw it yesterday night was dope
Like October 3, 2020
Lmfao "well off memphis folk" the majority of people from around here are tough yet broke county folk.
Like October 9, 2020
These were a surprise! But not what i wanted...
10 people like this.
Cody moore
Did you mean to grow cubes and grow oysters on accident?
Like September 23, 2020
We were growing golden teachers and someone spotted these and said they thought they were splitgills.. but thats what my buddy gets for ordersing substraight from amazon....because i have no idea how these would have gotten in there any other way..
Like September 23, 2020
It was a 5lb bag of sterile substate from North Spore..but he ordered from amazon and not straight from North Spore.
Like September 23, 2020
Can you imagine how BALLER it would be to have cubes that could pass for oysters?
Like October 12, 2020
Please identify the amber colored liquid..
8 people like this.
Myco piss
Like September 15, 2020
Like September 15, 2020
Just smoked DMT for the first time.. and WOW!
51 people like this.
She was all reds and purples.. but her skin was very tan and her hair was black with light balls that would sparkle in her hair.
Like September 13, 2020
You know its something special when you feel like all caps WOW is an Understatement entirely; compared to what we experience most the time. But yes. I definitely agree everytime. WOW. Seems difficult to find the vocabulary that describes its essence any better. One Love friend
Like September 14, 2020
After looking up a few things i feel like it looked just like the DMT waiting room. But what blows my mind is how to multiple diff people see the same places?!? Like where do we gooo???
Like September 14, 2020
We go home
Like September 16, 2020
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