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Male. Lives in North Carolina, United States. Born on April 9, 1984. Is married.
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So i just made a bunch of Cambodian spore syringes. Each one is 10ml and has enough spores in it to be turned into 10 more 10ml syringes. Any ideas on the value of these?
6 people like this.
Free is the price of these. I was just curious what these would be worth since each one can be made into 10
Like October 19, 2019
1 large super thick print + 100ml medical grade sterile water
Like October 20, 2019
Found about 10 of these at walmart on the clearance aisle
5 people like this.
I was thinking SABs
Like October 6, 2019
Hey there everyone. I ordered a couple rye berry spawn bags and they got here today. I have not innoculated them yet. I got them a couple hours ago and put them in one of my drawers. I j... View More

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My jars had a tiny bit of moisture in them but not much. No issues injecting. How wet is it can you take a pic maybe?
Like October 1, 2019
The last 2 bags I got from Midwest grow turned to mold. After I inoculated them I realized one wasn't even sealed completely at the top. I knew I was fooked.
Like October 1, 2019
Once the bag is made usually good up to 2 weeks,but environment does play a roll, condensation in bag is fine, remember its clean in the bag
Like October 1, 2019
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the help
Like October 1, 2019
It begins...
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Fungi lab
Where did you order the syringes and tips. Are the syringes sterile
Like September 26, 2019
Any sealed new syringes should be sterile n super easy to get online w no legal issues. If you don't have prints there are a few sites that will ship w spores inside syringes which I believe is perfectly legal and in my case have been perfectly viable n grew some amazing fungus. It's funny... Cambod... View More
Like September 26, 2019
ShroomSupply.com for the 10cc luer lock syringes and 18g luer lock needles. Very very cheap. Very very fast delivery
Like September 26, 2019 Edited
This is how we smoke out the hornets and wasps where i work. This nest is small compared to some of the basketball and watermelon sized ones we have come across
4 people like this.
What is the plan with it?
Like September 26, 2019
Preserve it and put it up on the wall... Sell it... Give it to someone... Possibilities are endless
Like September 26, 2019
Suggeations are definitely welcome
Like September 26, 2019
Ornament is pretty much what i had in mind.
Like September 26, 2019
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"The Reality of Truth"
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