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Craig Fox

Male. Lives in United Kingdom. Is in a relationship.
About Me
Experienced Astral projection, past life recall, encounters with non physical beings.
I’m on a spiri... View More
Interdimensional Gathering
53 Members
Craig Fox
Hey I’m new here, I haven’t used DMT yet but by month end I’ll be making my own.
My drive to do this comes from my own spiritual journey, I’ve already experienced a fair few things without it but Im at... View More

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What’s also happened, is that sometimes in meditation I’m transported to the same place and visuals as on DMT, albeit not as colourful, but nothing is as colourful than when you blast off.
Like January 15, 2024
Craig Fox
So the thing with me is for most of my childhood through to my 20s I’d automatically AP, I didn’t actually know what it was until my 20s and I came across Ryan Cropper talking about it and I was like… wait that’s what I do! But without the mental bit I just go to bed and pop goes the weasel! However... View More
Like January 15, 2024
Wow - that’s some interesting stuff you’ve experienced. OBE is just something that I experience naturally, wasn’t even sure what it was or what I was doing, but I wanted to keep pushing it, as I knew I was conscious but out of my body. I did it a bit when I was in my teens, but as I got older it jus... View More
Like January 16, 2024
These are my states. State 1 - is OBE, and it feels as real as it does being awake and walking around. State 2 - I can see people and places, very vividly, but they fly around like on postcards, and I just have to catch them with my focus to see what it shows me, very rarely is it anything interest... View More
Like January 16, 2024
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