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some clusters i cloned yesterday and some spore prints i made.
I harvested my Ecuador's today and my wife and i decided to give them a try. I ate 60 wet grams and she had 40 and the past 6 hours have been truly magical. I feel like I'm seeing in color for the fir... View More
My wife has multiple sclerosis. That's the whole reason I started growing mushrooms. For a couple years now ive been reading about how mushrooms are helping with all sorts of things that effect the brain. How it can help with creating neural pathways and other things. It was amazing last night. It w... View More
Like August 2, 2020
Doctor Tatan
that's good to read brother, Im glad people is getting the good things from mushies, you'll find some lovely people around here in DW happy to share your stories and get happy with the amazing results 1f642.png
Like August 2, 2020 Edited
Yea for sure. I haven't been on here long but everyone I've talked to have been so cool and helpful.
Like August 2, 2020
A good rule of thumb is 10g wet is equivalent to 1 gram dry.
Like August 3, 2020
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Got my first time pouring agar done. I didn't realize how much I had filled them until I was done. I'll do better on my next
Whewww! Busy day today. Got some more monotubs going this morning,and i finally made my SAB. Now to make up 8 more spawn jars and PC them. When that's done I'm gonna make my first attempt at agar.
What agar recipe did you use?
Like July 20, 2020
Potato dextrose,karo syrup,and agar powder. Home mycology on youtube has a video where he makes it. He makes Potato and oatmeal agar in the same video.
Like July 20, 2020
I tried his recipe. It works but not good enough for me. When boilin the teters I add mountain salt. And use 6-8g of karo. That recipe has much better results for me. Though im trying coffee variations now.
Like July 20, 2020
Awesome, I'll keep that in mind for sure
Like July 20, 2020
My wife has multiple sclerosis. When she got diagnosed the medicine they gave her was a shot she had to use every other day. It had horrible side effects,and it didsnt actually do anything to slow the... View More
I can speak to the neuro genisis it is best when used in whats called a stamets atack ao lions mane psilocybin and niacin .... I had many spota on my body with nerve damge from work i used to wake up with dead arms i have a numb shin or i guess had now my ahin hurts but i feel it and my arms no long... View More
Like July 9, 2020
Thank you!! MS effects the nerves as well. She deals with the same pains you are speaking of. I will definitely read more about this
Like July 9, 2020
Good luck with that, I hope shrooms can help your wife in some way, Personally for my depression im finding a large dose every fortnight with microdoses every 3 days is helping me in decreasing my meds, only have 30mg left to go, and of course I like being off my face, so winner, winner chicken dinn... View More
Like July 9, 2020 Edited
Hell yea! Thanks bud. That's so cool that the shrooms are helping you. I wish nothing but the best for you my friend
Like July 9, 2020
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I can't get over how fast these took off once I shook them up the other day. These PES Hawaiians and Ecuadors have colonized faster than my other 3 strains. I'm probably gonna put these 2 strains in ... View More
Try popcorn tek Bro... Anyways looking good
Like July 13, 2020
I've been wanting to try it. I didn't find out about it until after I used oats as spawn. I see a lot of people say that the way to go. I bet it's way easier to clean. It took me a little while to get all the trash out of 25 pounds of oats. Old pieces of straw and old hulls and stuff. I watch home m... View More
Like July 13, 2020
Nice, I haven’t even metioned any type of strain names and I’ve had this woman stalking me. Can’t wait I can get some time to colonize some jars of my oysters (Got one just want to have some to make more. Thinking about making a slant want to start an archive. Tyring to get my brother to learn ho... View More
Like July 13, 2020
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Y'all weren't kidding!! Shaking makes a huge difference. This is less than 24 hours. One on the right is right after shaking
I think You're on to something there. I noticed that there were little clumps of mycelium after I shook them up maybe that helps with aeration too. I've got one 1/4 inch hole about the size of a pencil in my lids with 2 pieces of micro pore tape over the hole
Like July 4, 2020
Im new to this is my first go at it. Ive got it at around 78 degrees F in the room. Their in a closet with the sliding door open. Sunlight gets in but not directly on the jars. Ive got the a.c. vents cut off so there isn't much air circulation. I did that to keep the temp up and I was worried about ... View More
Like July 4, 2020 Edited
shroomday0117 do you see any moisture or slime looking liquid on the side of your jar after you shake them? I have had the same issue in some of my jars as far as stalling goes. I think i over hydrated my grains the first few times and thats what is causing my issues though. My latest batch i hydrat... View More
Like July 4, 2020
That's what I do. A single1/4 inch hole in the jar lid. I've got 2 pieces of micropore tape over the hole
Like July 5, 2020
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