Y'all weren't kidding!! Shaking makes a huge difference. This is less than 24 hours. One on the right is right after shaking
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I think You're on to something there. I noticed that there were little clumps of mycelium after I shook them up maybe that helps with aeration too. I've got one 1/4 inch hole about the size of a pencil in my lids with 2 pieces of micro pore tape over the hole
July 4, 2020

Im new to this is my first go at it. Ive got it at around 78 degrees F in the room. Their in a closet with the sliding door open. Sunlight gets in but not directly on the jars. Ive got the a.c. vents cut off so there isn't much air circulation. I did that to keep the temp up and I was worried about ... View More
July 4, 2020

shroomday0117 do you see any moisture or slime looking liquid on the side of your jar after you shake them? I have had the same issue in some of my jars as far as stalling goes. I think i over hydrated my grains the first few times and thats what is causing my issues though. My latest batch i hydrat... View More
July 4, 2020

That's what I do. A single1/4 inch hole in the jar lid. I've got 2 pieces of micropore tape over the hole
July 5, 2020