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Psychedelics » DMT
Am wondering about reputable vendors for mimosa bark, or input on other reliable options for AB extraction (or other processes and medium required?) and vendors for such. Still just trying to learn th... View More
1 person likes this.
What the guy above said. I’ve used a few other vendors before prime bark. I can’t even remember who they were. Once I tried prime bark I never went anywhere else.
Like April 22, 2022
Thanks all!
Like April 23, 2022
Nothing but good experience with PB
Like April 23, 2022
All thumbs up for PB here too, service with heart and truly prime bark!
Like April 23, 2022
I am so so lost and lonely. I dont see the end. Or options. Im so afraid.
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Appreciate that my friend 1f642.png Bah haha I juuuuust about posted one of those inappropriate cheers you do before you take a shot in a bar LOL figured I best behave 1f602.png
Like September 9, 2021
@djnightmare61 how are you doing? Any better today?
Like September 9, 2021
True dat only when you are totally lost you find yourself
Like September 9, 2021
I mean this very sincerely. Welcome to club... Everything is and will be okay, allow yourself to feel the pain, in time the unbearable sadness will become nothing more than a mere pin prick. Use the emptyness and isolation as tools to strengthen your patience, persistance, and spirit.
Like September 9, 2021
Hi friend, I hope you are doing well...it's nice to see you with us again, I know its been awhile since you have been active. Glad you are here with us.
1 person likes this.
Life can be heavy sometimes. Thank you for reaching out. I really need support these days.
Like August 14, 2021
Hello friend, I deleted your post about looking for "Insight in arizona"
To me the post was read as insinuation to source.
Sourcing any materials deemed illegal by the United states Government is agai... View More

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Apologies. Just looking for potential healing votexes not listed on websites. Need no help otherwise. Apologies.
Like August 4, 2021
Wondering about any info on cow manure addition to substrate. Pros, cons, experiences? Any info appreciated. Mush love.
Need advice. Deem saved my life. Have been treating mental illness and addiction with it. But somehow i am becoming afraid to breakthrough. To the point i am even planning, smudging my space, meditati... View More
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I have extreme pre flight anxiety EVERY time and ive never ever had a bad trip. Once i do go im like FUCK YEAH lets pack er again!!!
Like September 29, 2020
it could be that you are going through a stage of ego death. i believe there are a multitude of levels. it takes a lot of time to get to know your true self.
Like September 29, 2020
however, i will add that you should not pressure yourself either. as well as feeling that you have to break through. you can always work yourself up to it. take your time
Like September 29, 2020
Try going back to small doses more often and work yourself back up. I was feeling the same and this is the path I took and it made such a huge difference in my comfort level. Unfortunately there is no way that I will not feel the fear but it takes the edge off. I also always do breath work before ha... View More
Like May 18, 2021
Has anyone experimented with volcano vaporizers for deem? Reviews, comments, advice?
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Not a legit one but a homemade version. And is the only way vaping breaks through every time.
Like September 18, 2020
Can i do too much? Too often? Can i die like that?
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@thewaronthemind is this just with 5-Meo-DMT mixed in Ayuahasca or smokable form too?
Like August 28, 2020
Really?? Thanks for the info!
Like August 28, 2020
Aya is not 5 Meo DMT. Aya has NN DMT (commonly called DMT) from the mimosa hostilis root bark made orally active with an MAOI. 5 Meo DMT is found in things like yopo seeds, bufo toad gland secretion, synthetic, etc. https://psychedelictimes.com/what-is-the-difference-between-5-meo-dmt-and-dmt-choosi... View More
Like August 28, 2020
Hey thank you so much for your long comment on my question about ego death and DMT. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain that in such detail. It was very comforting. Much love!
Like September 8, 2020
I think i just died. I was dying. I couldnt come back. But im back. But i was sure i was dying. I dont know what it was trying to tell me.
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Lucky charms
Cherish what u can in life were all gonna die somehow someday once you except death its a hole new world
Like August 28, 2020
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