February 5, 2023
Category: DMT
OK, so this is my first trip report. I started using DMT about three months ago, trying to treat my PTSD and some addiction problems that I had. I’ve gone to a million AA meetings. Lots of rehabs like five of them six months in the Salvation Army, and none of that seemed to deter me from going back to some sort of substance abuse. Anyway the other night I did a blast and I was walking through my house and it felt like I got caught in the middle of another world or demention and my world. so I pulled up a chair and sat down and looked around and all the sudden I could see this Forcefield type machine surround me. It’s translucent I can make up numbers and logos and keyboards, and when it comes in front of my eyes it changes my vision, so I was trying to figure out what was going on. I walked in the bathroom looked into the mirror, and I turned into a reptilen to be honest. It is the strangest thing. I can actually feel this in my area like on my face like a cool breeze, my face. It’s like, I don’t know how to explain it. I can only see it of course when I take even the smallest hit of Dmt and I use a vape pin to smoke, the DMT. I can actually see the logos or I’m not sure what it is and then it’s like a whole computer board and this laptop type thing comes on swings around in front of me kind of and I can even see it outside now. I tried to tell my wife about it but she thinks, of course, I need to stop using DM, but it’s weird. I don’t understand it anyway so I blast off whatever you call it take a trip on this end I’m not sure exactly where I go. Of course my vision goes to like aluminum paper type feeling in my body of my soul I don’t know, what ever it is it’s bad, but it’s fucking weird anyway, so I come back out of this and it is like for me the timing if you guys have done it DMT you guys when you come back from here kind of rock your world right it’s like being slam back into earth and then everything is like the world is like fallen off kilter it dissolve feels like I knocked the universe out of the fucking ball park it is so weird and then everything gets all fucking like I’m on a ship and that were coming out of the water or like something weird and it just like I’m like oh my god this is going to hurt and I’ve done it a few times and it’s like been like I don’t know man it’s so weird I’m like holy shit I fucking fucked up the universal hub absolutely insane end of the house rocks and shakes and it’s like everything reboots and just kind of like I mean sometimes I’m like oh shit I’m sorry if people ham did not we must’ve broke this fucking thing it was fucking rocket oh my God it’s crazy and then I feel so fucking good once it like big black reboot itself or reboots like the feeling is fucking wonderful and a couple times I’ve banged on the wall I’m like fuck man did you feel that shit that’s fucking crazy and my wife is just like you’re a fucking lunatic but to me it’s like so real it is like I went to battle . I’ve never met anybody in this other freaking realm I’ve never done seen anything actually the only thing that I see that is like from Star Wars a little round fucking ball guy D8 or B8 or I don’t know what his name is anyway he’s like like my little spirit guide and lotta people say they think they go to outer space but for me, I used to be a diver military and hardhat diver and I know what it feels like to go under the water so he’s always going down so we go down the pipe sometimes and it’s very water like it’s not outer space type that I go to I go underwater that’s what it feels like to me anyway and once in a while when I come back from my little trip, I mean, if you guys know it is like just the most wonderful feeling ever it’s better than fucking sex almost man it is so beautifully it is like we won the battle and God is like oh thank you guys I don’t know I don’t know what it is, but it’s like so warm and beautiful and like oh man, we’re finally in heaven, we finally did it with Jesus finally came back and everything is going to be good. Everything is going to be all right and I’m trying to tell my wife like you didn’t feel that so one time I recorded it and I mean like it is so real to me it is so real that I’m like dear God, please Jesus do not let these people have to deal with the wreckage of this world and like I mean I am on my knees praying please Lord don’t let me don’t ruin this country don’t don’t blow this world up or whoever’s in charge. Please don’t do that I would rather go to hell didn’t you know like have that happened to the people of this world because I feel like they’re gonna like torpedo this fucking country or this this planet, the flat earth that we live on whatever it is people think we live on a ball or the spinning ball with no curvature of the water whatever it is, I don’t know man, but bro, I’m just like dumbfounded that the the what I feel like the emotions that I have and the realness of the fucking situation to me is 100 but like I said, I filmed it and I just look like a stupid drug addict I mean to me is so real I mean like I come out of that trip and I’m like oh my god are you I mean you can’t see the rocking of the house you know the house I mean I could feel it I can feel the house and I can feel it feels like the whole damn earth is fucking moving like like on a ship and it’s just like trying to write itself in just like and then finally it’s like I can see the smoke from like the pressure of whatever it is I can see it in the house I can see I can walk to every room and I can see you like a fog in the house and I’m like you don’t want to see this is tripping out on me. She’s the best ever I love her to death but man she’s like stop messing with the universe. Fuck a kill somebody anyway I hope this makes sense. I hope someone else out there could be like yes you are right there’s a different dimension and you’re fighting the element. You’re an alien. You’re a fucking reptilian and you’re a fucking special I know it’s probably not true. It’s probably fuck up some bullshit but man dude it’s real to me 100% so anyway hopefully no one calls the fucking cops on me and put me in a fucking mental institution but yeah man it’s a trip I mean from the bottom of my heart I feel it I feel like this is some real shit so anyway hopefully this all makes sense and somebody can hit me back and let me know that I’m not really a fucking reptilian and I’m just tripping out