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Arizona astral explorers
97 Members
Meetups and Communities
Arizona's Psychonauts (Locals only).
22 Members
Meetups and Communities
The Transcendent Stoner
Hi there new friend!laughing.gif I See you are requesting to join our local Az Psychonauts group. Are you an Az local? We're an active Arizona residents/meetup group focused on building and interacting with our l... View More
2 people like this.
Greetings! Yes, born and raised 1f642.png
Like October 14, 2020
What a great place to study mycology! No pollen, low spores
Like October 14, 2020
The Transcendent Stoner
Hells yea same here! I'll get ya approved so you can take a look around. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Mysh love and happy journeys1f600.png.
Like October 14, 2020
Hiya! Any desert dwellers here?
2 people like this.
South Eastern Swamp rat here but i love the desert
Like October 14, 2020
I’m in Tucson
Like December 9, 2020
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