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Merry Christmas DMT World fam!
14 people like this.
He/she seems like a big loveable doofus and I just wanna hug
Like December 26, 2021
That sounds about right! She'a a very loveable cuddly doofus
Like December 26, 2021
Shout out to GaiaGazing I got your card thank you so much! Mush luv!
21 people like this.
Capitano Sours
Bro lol i got a pack from this one person and it may or may not have been her.. prolly not but who knows lmao.. but had them send to my parents house and they opened it and showed the fairly dope rick and morty mylar and the contents to everyone they knew bc they used the name moonlight farmer (my i... View More
Like December 22, 2021
GaiaGazing yeah I'm not the brightest
Like December 22, 2021
Capitano Sours
Yeah my fault i have the absolute worst memory but that was def a time.. thought i was going to time out for a bit there ngl
Like December 22, 2021
This is why we are the best community! We look out and help each other out!
Like December 22, 2021
Had the deepest, most intense trip that I've ever been blessed to experience last night. Went to visit a bunch of ancestors I didn't know existed, died a few times, received a message to tell my wife,... View More
Help me out fam. I need ideas/suggestions for a DMT and/or Mushroom inspired tattoo for my upper arm. All your ideas are appreciated!
1 person likes this.
The one answer I didnt expect lmao
Like December 12, 2021
Think of sacred geometry. 369. π. Old shaman whispering geometric shapes on shrooms. As of UFO has a clear view of shamans inner thought. Smoking a bowl from long pipe like gandalf had. Dont forget owl. Owl is the sign of knowledge that shaman is having from psilocin. You can add spruce trees and am... View More
Like December 12, 2021
DMT has helped me with everyday life so much in the few times that I've smoked it. My job is very demanding and normally I find myself needing caffiene as the busy part of the shift starts, whether it... View More
Hey yall. Back on DMT World finally. Its been a while! My old account Mycbro/Funky got logged out and I couldnt get back in so back and better than ever on a new account!
3 people like this.
Welcome back 2665.png
Like December 5, 2021
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