Love going on trips and meeting new people to converse about the lovely world of psychedelics!!
It all began when we went into a mini lockdown due to covid, my boyfriend and I, along with another couple decided to go have a little fun. Our friends owned a really cool house in the country side away from civilization so we headed to there with four 300ug tabs, one per person. Since it was such a last minute decision (which are the best memories you will ever have) we got to the house in darkness at 9:05pm and by then we'd already took the tabs and wrote the time on our hands so that we'd remember what time we took it because it was about to be a long trip!
While settling in, picking our rooms etc. everything seemed a a bit louder for some reason, we all agreed that it kicked in, we felt so free and was ready to get the party started so we rolled a joint (which i highly recommend as it really enhances the trip) and as we started smoking we started talking about mad conspiracy theories like I started getting paranoid because I swear I was being watched by the government or aliens or some shit (yeah it got that deep.) Bear in mind that we are outside and it's pretty dark so my brain starts creating its own images like I kept seeing a lot of eyes looking at me through the trees, some looked like owls and some just looked like weird creatures but I didn't feel threatened by it, I always remind myself that I'm on a drug so I found beauty in that. When we were done smoking we'd go inside and have more conversations, laugh at random shit and we'd eventually roll another joint and go back outside to smoke so it was basically a loop of that. I remember vividly there was a portrait of a vase of flowers in the house and i kept staring at it because to flowers were literally flowing so majestically as if it were alive or moving in the wind, at that moment i started to love LSD more and more.
It began to get later so we started to get munchies, by then it was probably around 2:00am so we realised that we were so last minute that all we packed to eat were some ramen and a watermelon. I DO NOT RECOMMED EATING WATERMELON ON LSD, i felt like i was biting into NOTHING. The worst part was that when u opened the fridge there's just a watermelon and 4 cups of water with our names written on it so we don't mix em up, we felt like mental patients xD. Long story short we made a big pot of the ramen and ATE IT FROM THE POT all at the same time and it was a disaster, we started using our forks to sabotage the other person's ramen on their fork (and you guys know how much focus it takes to get a fork with the perfect amount of ramen) it was the funniest shit ever the food literally became inedible.
So the sun started to rise around 5:45am, ofcourse we rolled a joint and went outside to witness such amazing scenery, you'd see a part of my view in the attached photo above. After being in darkness for so long, not knowing the setting that was infront of me, i was stunned. I'd never seen such a magnificent scene, the trees were so vibrant i felt like i was Alice in wonderland. We all started touching and smelling all the plants around us, i never felt so connected to nature, it was like a fantasy. In the end, it was my favourite LSD trip, I wish that I could have shared my experience much more vividly, especially those damn consiracy theories, but thats what the experience is all about, to live in the moment!
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@DZephyr man if I did I would have posted it it was amazing
August 31, 2020

Awesome, I really love tripping in nature by myself, usually I just lay there and do some light exploring. I always come out the trip with Tons of bug bites tehe.
September 2, 2020
Can you guys share your first DMT trip experience with me? That's the one thing i actually haven't tried yet. I guess I'm hesitant because i'd like to do more research on it because i ALWAYS do resear... View More
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Hello. Feel free to check out my trip report from my profile page. You can also check out the Sites trip reports section. It only lasts 15-20 minutes tops for me, and then I’m back to baseline. It is extremely intense, and if you do enough it feels like you leave your body and go someplace else. It ... View More
My first dmt trip was crazy and amazing but I've had more intense ones since then. It's hard in the moment but try to remember you'll be okay. I saw your post on lsd, I'll say compared to one tab, dmt will blow that out of the water in an instant. But my first trip my girlfriend looked like a golden... View More
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Lololol thanks for the chuckle, and having a sense of humor. Peace to you sister.
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