I am a student/drywaller. I am interested in becoming a web developer/coder/programmer. I love tech ... View MoreI am a student/drywaller. I am interested in becoming a web developer/coder/programmer. I love tech and I want to be professionally proficient with it. I am also fascinated with psychedelic substances. I believe they are an access point to a spirit dimension that is an integral aspect of our reality. I hold the opinion that these substances should be legalized and held sacred for the enlightenment and advancement of humanity. I am in the process of reconnecting with my spiritual personality in order to provide this world with the love and positivity that I have in order to so my part in making the existence we all share as blessed as possible. I am grateful to have found this community where I believe my intentions will be welcomed and augmented by like minded individuals. I look forward to establishing friendships with anyone who is willing to be my friend!
About Me
I am a student/drywaller. I am interested in becoming a web developer/coder/programmer. I love tech ... View More
Meetups and Communities
Psychedelics ยป DMT
Hello, I am excited to join a community of individuals who are willing to confront their ego. I am currently attempting to establish a microdosing regimen of some sort of psychedelic with the hope tha... View More
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I assure you, despite the snap judgement, ALX8721 is good people and a beautiful soul lookin to spread the love and help people share their story
welcome, and happy to have ya friend!!

May 1, 2020

Either way, it's all good. I mean, there is a part of me that feels like a comment like that is meant to be hurtful just because of the negative connotations that are inherent with law enforcement. It is, ultimately, something that is out of my control, therefore I am not going to allow the thought ... View More
May 2, 2020
OmniLux but maybey there some.cops on psychadelics becuase they can piss clean and not take.ssri maybey theyre arent here maybey we are there
May 2, 2020
Just saying theres plentynof active duty people that havent and will never suport the way psycahdelics are treated my uncle is a.cop hea never arested a person for weed or psychadelics he was hella happy when denver defelonized soon when he retires ill be giving hi his self eequested first psilo... View More
May 2, 2020