Our substrate pile out back started popping these bad boys up recently. It only took a couple of months too from the last time we put some out there. I think all the rain we've had recently really hel... View More
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Dude was discovering all 8 legs again 

September 15, 2020

Lmao good one bro!
September 15, 2020
August 31, 2020
I've been on a few journeys before but I've never sat down and written one of these. However I've been unable to find other people's perspectives online so anyone's insight would be greatly appreciated.
I took 5gs of these about a week before and had an amazing time. Alone with my thoughts, some patterns popped up here and there, walls morphing, it was great. This time was supposed to be even better.
But I way underestimated how much these were going to wreck me. I took them at about 9pm. I had ground them up and put them in orange juice, and down the hatch. It took close to an hour but I started to feel it, and it was awesome at first. Huge body high, and the highest visuals i'd ever seen on shrooms. Everything in eyesight looked bent or morphing, some things rotating. There were massive waves rolling across the lawn. Some patterns and colors, and the trees looked like the often do on dmt. It was easily more than what I'd thought, but awesome. Then I took a couple puffs off the joint (which looked like it was at 90 degree angel) and it went downhill. My friend had these shoes on that even when sober looked like some deformed faces on them. I looked down at them and saw them morphing around and into each other, they were very profound at this point. Then these faces started appearing everywhere, on everything, in everything. They were made of the grass, rising out of it. Everywhere I looked, there they were. Some looked like jesters, others looked like scream faces void of life. And they all were looking right into my soul. I was extremely unsettled and they were only getting more intense and in my face, so i'd decided i'd had enough and asked my sister to get me some milk and chips for me to force feed and hopefully minimize this. They however weren't having one minute of that. They were in the milk and on the chips. I couldn't look at it, just shove my face and gulp it down. Didn't do anything. Closing my eyes didn't help because they were there too and the CEV were insanely crazy and i'd feel like I was slippimg from reality, which now I wish i'd just let that happen. I was really starting to freak out at this point so my sister said we should go inside and turn on some lights and watch funny shit. I get about halfway there with her help and then lose all ability to walk. Everything in my sight is 3d and morphing, vibrant colors and yes the faces. I collapse right there and my sis thought I was dying. I definitely wasn't sure either, even slightly okay with it. After that moment I felt different though. Less fear and just pure judgment and slight understanding. These faces now and for the next couple hours didn't let me enjoy anything. It just felt like they were convicting the fuck out of me. Every time I would say something in my head I thought they might be trying to convey there'd be this very audible whisper laugh for a minute and I knew it was them. Whether they were laughing at me or that was their only way of actually speaking Idk. They didn't talk other than that though. I could just feel them. All and all that lasted for a few hours. Probably would have been longer if I didn't eat and take a pill to calm it all.
I'm just curious to see if anyone has experienced anything like this and what y'alls thoughts are either way.
Mush love ❤️
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"They were in the milk and chips" this part had me cracked up.