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Male. Lives in Pittsburgh, United States. Is single.

Status Update

At the beginning of the month, I was vending at a rave near Pittsburgh when I met.....The Spaceman. I don't remember this fellas actual name, and I refuse to refer to him as anything less than, The Sp... View More
22 people like this.
Hahaha, that sounds really interesting! I once had an experience with the FF mode on a festival after smoking some changa, my wife was talking to some people and I coudn't follow at all, it was like 4x mode and I was puzzled how she even moved her mouth so fast... a little later the rainbow aura I d... View More
Like February 26, 2020
Lmaoooo that sounds dope!
Like February 27, 2020
Sounds badassa
Like February 27, 2020