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Male. Lives in Pittsburgh, United States. Is single.
At the beginning of the month, I was vending at a rave near Pittsburgh when I met.....The Spaceman. I don't remember this fellas actual name, and I refuse to refer to him as anything less than, The Sp... View More
22 people like this.
Hahaha, that sounds really interesting! I once had an experience with the FF mode on a festival after smoking some changa, my wife was talking to some people and I coudn't follow at all, it was like 4x mode and I was puzzled how she even moved her mouth so fast... a little later the rainbow aura I d... View More
Like February 26, 2020
Lmaoooo that sounds dope!
Like February 27, 2020
Sounds badassa
Like February 27, 2020
Was invited here by a friend to find a grow network, as well as share trip reports and other tales of chemical romance
18 people like this.
Welcome! Check out the groups. Theres something for everyone.
Like February 26, 2020
Definitely will! Im excited to share with others some beautiful experiences!
Like February 26, 2020
Welcome friend!! Mush love and look forward to your future posts
Like February 27, 2020
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