Psychology and Philosophy
I discovered a developing cult surrounding DMT. The leader recruits teens and claims DMT cures cancer. And encourages anyone with cancer to stop treatment and DMT immediately. That is just one of his ... View More
r/CantelmoismExposed: Cantelmoism is primarily a cult of personality centered around Chris Cantelmo who propagates many dangerous and insane beliefs, and specifically targets and recruits teens to gro
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T rex ophora
I know what I feel he's doing. I want to know what you see as the harm he's committing. I'm asking for your perspective. You are making some bold claims here on this community and I'm asking politely for you to back it up with your own thoughts.
June 8, 2019

I see people with false hope that are saddened about a loved ones with cancer. I see teenagers looking into dmt and would never have known about it it wasn't for being guilded in a Minecraft or teenagers sub. I see them worshipping a man and calling him a god and their savior. You have to admit it's... View More
June 8, 2019

He is also Reddit's biggest contributor spending over $70,000 on the site. Spending that mostly in teenage related subs. There is more to this that we don't yet.
June 8, 2019

T rex ophora
So spreading ??¢â??¬????false hope??¢â??¬?? and spreading knowledge of a psychedelic substance, that you yourself have shared with us that you have plans to manufacture. This as well as spending money to give strangers internet points on an ??¢â??¬????anonymous??¢â??¬?? social media website. Thes... View More
June 8, 2019
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Has anybody created a Discord server?
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Jut had this come in. A bit nervous about extracting. No chemistry experience. Was looking into poor mans tek. Anyone have any pointers?
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Just bought my mimosa hostilas. Still have to buy the rest of my stuff and I'll be on my first journey.
6 people like this.
Enjoy the ride brother. Also, change your name to a nickname. Safety, ya know.