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Im curious about how to handle the dmt experience, I havent’t broken through yet but the past few times when i have done it I have had anxiety/dread fill me when i go into it. My friends seem to enjoy... View More
4 people like this.
Thanks for all of the responses and help youll
Like February 25, 2020
Just have a few mushrooms and hour before taking the dmt, it will delight u
Like February 25, 2020
Give yourself time to get more comfortable with the medicine, trust and let go. I’ve found that using a vape atomizer (the type used for BHO Hash Oil) or glass vapor genie works incredibly well for DMT. The anxiety is totally natural, I still get a bit too,even after doing it 100+ times. Try a mantr... View More
Like February 25, 2020
Ozric Starshine
Sound like he just has an easier time “letting go”. The more you surrender to it, the bigger gifts you receive.
Like February 25, 2020
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