Do you think there are higher beings in the universe that hold concepts human’s uncertain minds have the ability to come up with..? When we trip could we not possibly just be exploring our own nervous... View MoreDo you think there are higher beings in the universe that hold concepts human’s uncertain minds have the ability to come up with..? When we trip could we not possibly just be exploring our own nervous-system? Could the “gods” or whatever you wanna call them possibly be a lot more mellow and small than we make them seem? Do other “beings” exist in the after life? Or do you just join the rollercoaster of understanding all perceptions/angels of “reality”, and thats when i think this world is the centre, the mother for lifes seeds to grow, but even death? It seems to be coming more of a thing? Or has it been on and off like this since the beginning? Have things actually been changing or are things only getting smaller, and thus bigger(usually works that way) this is kinda referring to dmt closed eye open vs open eye, nature seemed angry and upset at me when i closed my eyes, would just overrun the beauty with (fuckery) and when i opened them the entirety of nature was laughing at me to make me upset aswell as itself, which it did unless i joined it laughing then it was beautiful, made me think our perception(my/our thoughts) could have an actual physical effect on the boundries of physical and mental barriers..? The angerier the world gets (just like growing up right)the more storms ie... sorry if this is shitty ive been analysing this for so long this is just some loose ends strung together , very sure what belief to take just unsure if its the healthiest, does health even matter or are humans a bunch of weaklings? Been sick for a minute XD
You should get a skateboard to get around quick, its eco friendly and keeps you fit and gives you a good sense of balance,running is also really good i find mountain running very good for the soul