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How come DMT has no tolerance?
1 person likes this.
A point if clarity I guess us needed. DMT has a rapid tolerance, this is why you need to get your dose in quick, preferably in one hit. More hits takes more time and requires more DMT than would be needed with a one toke method. The tolerance does dissipate extremely quickly as compared to other psy... View More
Like April 9, 2022
Abqmakg I wiped the blood from my eye, went and got another rake and made those leaves my bitch. They are now in my compost pile becoming food for my summer grows and garden. Momma didn't raise no quitter.
Like April 9, 2022
I'm asking this question because I thought that fact that DMT has no tolerance is pretty hard evidence that it's a portal between two different dimensions
Like April 10, 2022
If i miss the train and fail to blast off. I gotta wait 30 mins or maybe an hour in order to grab the next one. Its hardly like tolerance for me. Opportunity gone completely, doesnt matter how much I inhale past a certain point. I feel effects. I "feel" the dmt trip. But i remain here. No room for ... View More
Like April 10, 2022