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Can you microdose acid tabs?
1 person likes this.
Thank you, I’d heard of ppl microdosing shrooms, but haven’t heard anything about lsd micro dosing
Like October 10, 2022
Once you get it dialed in microdosing L is much more consistent and reliable than mushrooms as mushrooms vary greatly in potency. I myself prefer LSD microdosing. is right. Volumetric dosing. I use 125ug tabs in 10ml of distilled water. 1ml is 12.5ug which is perfect for me. Just below whe... View More
Like October 10, 2022
Thank you, I’ve got 10 acids and I’m gonna give it a whirl tomorrow, just hope I don’t start tripping my head of at work haha
Like October 11, 2022
Personally I can't.... once I start I can't stop...
Like November 7, 2022