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DMT Extraction Teks
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Psychedelics » DMT
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I honestly think you can get some sort of telepathic powers from dmt, me and my friend was doing it once, and we was having a conversation, when we both suddenly realised that we wasn’t speaking, we was both in absolute disbelief, I still am tbf xx
Like October 10, 2022
Oooo that's a awesome combo commenting now to read this after work
Like October 10, 2022
I had a recent experience with a similar blend. I took a arguably large dose of ketamine, immediately followed by three good hits of changa, and with the help of a friend still managed to take a massive hit of properly vaporized spirit molecule. There are no words. Of experienced these realms many m... View More
Like October 13, 2022
Though it's rare I feel like if ur connected on a good level you'll experience same space or similar shared space I've read quite a few reports and seen quite a few video reports talking about it in more detail and I've also experienced this with a good friend of mine. The last time I did something ... View More
Like February 4, 2023
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