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Male. Lives in Taco Mania, United States. Born on November 28, 1998. Is in a relationship and it's complicated.
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Let’s fry like fair food
DMT Extraction Teks
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Psychedelics » DMT
Shroomin 2.0
1709 Members
Mycology » Psilocybin
Being a good pickle fryin alone in that jar you forgot about in the back corner of your fridge woundering why that light flashing so often and why is it so cold and woundering if the cheese cut its s... View More
Two tabs 20 mins apart trip report holy balls imma be fryin like the good little pickle i am
8 people like this.
Aye i started @12
Like January 12, 2020
Why not get it done with a 10 strip
Like January 12, 2020
My guy wont let me do that again I consumed 7 double dropped I was a puddle then I grew into a Carrot because I was wearing orange I was gone for days
Like January 12, 2020
He let me do it at his house too he's a good guy he'll even test kit it I've known him for like 5 years now we've grown pounds of weed together
Like January 12, 2020
Why doesn’t it ever post in order
3 people like this.
Grind it up and roll it up. 3.5 fits easy
Like January 1, 2020
Legal bag if bud, illegal bag of bud. :-)
4 people like this.
In canada?
Like January 1, 2020
Like January 1, 2020
The legal stuff is tested for potency, pesticides and mold but its heavily taxed. Here in California you pay $60-70 for an eighth of top shelf cannabis plus around 30% in taxes. So $91/eighth for top shelf out the door. Im glad i grow my own because buying it at those prices would severely limit my ... View More
Like January 7, 2020
This late in the year?
Be safe tonight, Be the most fucked up one in the room, party like its the last party ever, Project X this bitch and have a night to remember.
Im out at the spot we had our first encounter that day “i’m stronger than you imma be here to smoke my dab I’m not your best friend my sins can be forgiven”
1 person likes this.
Well Spooner my Spooner went to Franklin peirce
Like December 31, 2019
You in PNW
Like December 31, 2019
William Mitchell
Im in the PNW lol
Like December 31, 2019
Like December 31, 2019
I carry smokage Every where i dont care if its court Ill still smoke
Lets dab he said he has work in an hour hes gonna be baked as fuck at work 1g 1 hit three feet of smoke
4 people like this.
Lol pro guy by the looks he gets lots of sleep
Like December 30, 2019
They do weed commandment number one :thou shall not pass out on the puff puff pass
Like December 31, 2019
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