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Male. Lives in Taco Mania, United States. Born on November 28, 1998. Is in a relationship and it's complicated.
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Let’s fry like fair food
DMT Extraction Teks
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Psychedelics » DMT
If you ever get the chance throw a bunny in a dipper and enjoy
2 people like this.
Did you follow the bunny down the hole you been gone since this post
Like January 30, 2020
Sorry what
Like February 1, 2020
Hailey Nicole
Lol ok is this like your bunny had her first period or was there some underlying thing im not understanding? Lol cute bunny though 1f642.png
Like February 2, 2020
Peter cottontail hoppin down the bunny trail hippity hoppity oh fuck i fell into an endless hole
Like February 10, 2020
Spring is coming I’ll be trippin and fishin
6 people like this.
Nice man
Like January 14, 2020
Like January 14, 2020
Same here
Like January 14, 2020
Hell yeah tight lines brother!!! We will have the fishing group back up soon!!!
Like January 18, 2020
I really Appreciate everyone here mushlove I hope my mush comes back zero Issues just gotta hug my box and tell it to thrive on the miss Loss of all its family
Heres a rainbow my old phone had all the salmon pics that phone is in the bottom of the bay oops
He broke my latch and bent all my plugs to bad I'm not stupid I win!!!
3 people like this.
He would not fare out to good throwing my babys out. Snap like a stick. You would hear his bones go lol
Like January 13, 2020
Some inconsiderit ass hole is the only person to do this what disrespect
Like January 13, 2020
Smfh.....what a bitch move...
Like January 13, 2020 Edited
It hurt me deep all my srpore syringes were sprayed out my agar cultures are smashed my dehydrator smashed fuck it though I got one tub left I shall thrive and get my shit growing again and rebuild from here again
Like January 13, 2020
My stepbrother throw out my mono tub and everything else so i retrieved it all and all of my belongings thanks dick weed thanks for cancelling my order of MHRB and my Peyote seeds
4 people like this.
I go DEEP outta body DEEP
Like January 13, 2020
Apparantly man well now I know who I'm hanging out with next time I go to Oregon and go steelhead fishing unless you know some good spots in Washington which case I mean I wouldn't really need to go to Oregon now would I
Like January 13, 2020 Edited
I know Washington like the back of my hand Im an avid outdoorsman and fishing is my shit I even tie my own flys I'll post some pictures
Like January 13, 2020
Hell yeah bro work's been a bit tight this year but I'm definitely saving for a trip now if you ever head out to Colorado I know the mountains also I know a place where you can go and take pictures with your face and a little cardboard cutout thing of the South Park characters that's actually in th... View More
Like January 13, 2020 Edited
MHRB powder was shipped sat jan 11 form Seattle Im only in Tacoma its not that far hope its here for a Tuesday pull it’ll be my first extraction ever i’m so excited take my time dont rush give it lov... View More
Before You Read this DANNI WAS NOT HURT HE`S ALIVE AND WELL.Danni is the kid that takes a few hits of weed and will blow the bowl out because he forgot how to. Well two of the three stooges and I wer... View More
This pickle needs dab in his lungs he’s frying stuck In between two trees dont know how hes stuck just these dam trees but no matter what i always have dab and bud with me
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