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Suburban Hippie

Male. Lives in United States.
Georgia Psychonauts & Friends
108 Members
Meetups and Communities
Higher Consciousness
634 Members
Spirituality » Meditation

Status Update

Suburban Hippie
800ug acid trip this coming week! very excited this will be my largest dose yet.
18 people like this.
800ug, i did this about mid spring(?), and it was some of THEE best fun i’ve had with halucinogenics! I spent time with my cat, whom was channeling his ancestors, and i fojnd actual power, in meditative yoga. Do! It!
Like September 23, 2019
Suburban Hippie
your taste in rocking chairs is exceptional
Like September 24, 2019
Suburban Hippie
thanks cody!
Like September 24, 2019
Suburban Hippie
MeinZai, man i love pets when im tripping i wish my pupper was still here to keep me company he was always good vibes
Like September 24, 2019