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Male. Lives in Near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. Born on December 2, 1985. Is married.
About Me
Psychedelic enthusiast, looking to learn from other's and make new friends with similar interests

Status Update

Who has tried both 5MEO and NN DMT? I have tried NN and was thinking of trying 5MEO. My question is, what are the major differences? Is there a benefit to one over the other?
5 people like this.
I'm sure there's a few in here and will tell you what they know or what they think.
Like June 15, 2024 Edited
even if they have similar names. they are completely different things. NN - is more suspended. and about meeting entities. it is quite similar to psilocybin. 5MEO sent you. not so visual . but send you more to unity and light. 5meo also has longer integration than NN. but he does not want to underes... View More
Like June 15, 2024
I have
Like June 15, 2024